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Multiculturalism: A Worldwide Societal Failure

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    That's true klaus. arguments can start when 2 good people
    Want their way also. There has to be rules that are determined to be good that if everyone followed them you d have as good of a society as could be. There is always going to be fueds and fights but when big groups start fueding the trouble gets bad.


      Good post Mallie.

      That about sums it up. Where did we go wrong, oh, I know, from too many socialist/liberal governments giving everyone what they want just to maintain and increase their voter base. And if you really look at it most programs are designed to be attractive and increase the non productive side of our economy such as gov't workers, unions and new immigrants that are not here on merit.

      I know there are exceptions of course but really when did a union worker ever out perform a private worker.

      Go ahead slam me and call me a racist, however, if you keep your nose clean and work for a living I will respect you and help you and it doesn't matter what colour you are. But if you don't, I won't have anything to do with you even if you are white.


        Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
        It's not just truduea all governments have had this problem of understanding facts about mixing people with polar opposite beliefs. The early Europeans were eager to blend in and grateful so they accepted the rules that were in place. Now everyone that's coming here from places where conditions are terrible want the same rules here to be accepted that they had at home to suit them. Don't they know why the place they are coming from is a mess? It's because of those very rules they want to bring here. That's the difference.
        western Europeans who were already established in western Canada weren't to happy with eastern Europeans coming here later, around the turn of the last century.


          My wifes family came to australia with similar ideals of what they wanted to make of there life as the general population of australia at the time.


            Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
            Race-baiting much?

            Really what is the point of coming on here and spreading your poison and hatred? You disrespect all immigrants and ultimately disrespect Canada by disrespecting it's people when you perpetuate these bullshit stories. It's a well established fact that immigrants to first world countries are involved in less criminal activity than the established residents of that country.

            PLs note the stats in my quote are taken from an email written to John Podesta, who headed the Democrats machine during the HRC era.

            You skulk on AV every day, grassy, searching to condemn free market comments; almost as if you are paid to discredit capitalism and farmers like Saskfarmer who are successful models for the next generation. You battle the notion and successes of capitalism every single day, which begs the question why you would immigrate to a capitalist country.

            Canada has been built on capitalism, the rule of law and free speech, but I note you refrain from
            defending these 🇨🇦 pillars.

            Worse, you don't or condemn or reject Sharia Law, neither ideologically or morally. Or honour-killing, FGM, gender inequality, jihad, or terrorism, which are all pillars of Islam; only six of them listed at this time. All of them must be condemned in a democratic society. Openly. Boldly.

            In Canada today, immigrant girls are flown overseas to get snipped. That's hate. Where is your voice? Women have been honour-killed in Canada. There is silence. A soldier was killed on Parl Hill, and you think I'm race baiting to condemn the moral teachings that inspired both murders? God god.

            M103 is closer to getting passed in Canada, and every reader on this site should be angry, and vocal and working to stop it, unless we are prepared to accept and endorse the six pillars I listed above

            Women don't. Women would have to be insane to embrace laws and ideology that clearly state women have the worth of 1/2 of a man. And can be legally killed.

            I will say this to you grassy:

            1. You can call me anything you want. I don't value your values or opinions. At all. Your constant badgering and negativity have actually become a joke.

            2. I have the greatest respect for immigrants who are willing to embrace Canada 'a values and laws, and want to build and grow Canada, and I welcome them.

            3. I have no respect for any ideology, or religious doctrine, which teaches hate. Hate of gays. Of women. Of gender equality. Or hate of the unconverted. Or hate of co-existence, which is impossible if the stated goal is to triumph over all other religions.

            4. I have followed Sweden closely. And I have watched them descend into becoming Scandanavia's official shithole because of the immigrants they admitted. Women are not safe. Crime has overwhelmed the country since the immigrant population grew. They know it. I know it. And you won't admit it.

            5. The reasons why people defend dangerous immigrants is threefold. They are stupid/pigheaded/ ideological. Or they have family who have married into the religion/ideology, and are obliged to show their loyalty. Or .....they are paid to defend chaos.

            I shall write on AV, grassy, whenever I feel like it, subject to the grace and permission of the owners of this site. My point, to answer your initial question, is this.....we still have free speech. Pars


              "The new world is a melting pot of cultures and religions so saying multiculturalism is a failure is beyond wrong".

              "Societal culture"

              I cannot go to Pakistan and live long if I don't have my head and legs and arms covered. If I don't melt in, I die. Which means melting is: "I give up my way of life".

              I cannot go swimming at a Saudi Arabian beach. Or I will pay the consequences. Which means melting is: "I give up my way of life"

              If I marry a man in northern Nigeria, I won't be able to own property. Which means melting is: "I give up my way of life"

              If I go to Ottawa and sit in a mosque, I will be sent to sit at the back of the mosque. Which means melting is: "I give up my way of life"

              Multicultural marriages have caused grief throughout the world. They are solvable.

              Multicultural Work projects have caused problems throughout the world. South African diamonds. Oil. They are solvable.

              Multicultural cultures and religions are causing chaos throughout the world via immigration. It will be fixed easily. The minorites will be quickly killed off. From within. pars.
              Last edited by parsley; Jan 16, 2018, 22:08.


                I think Canada was founded on mostly Christian principles....so it didn't take too much stirring to get the melting pot mixed. The irony is everyone's religion is based on their "interpretation" of "history". Then there's culture....once again Canada's main influence would have been European.

                I don't care if you immigrated from the moon, Saturn or Uranus....you're in Canada now and it's up to you to adapt and change or quietly go about your own ways as long as they aren't in conflict with the rules and law of the land you immigrated to. If you can't there's other places on earth more aligned with your ideals. Go there.


                  Originally posted by bucket View Post
                  IMHO immigration in the early 1900s worked because we were an undeveloped country and people came here with the opportunity to make a better life....

                  It became a melting pot of cultures to create the Canadian identity. ...

                  Today that is not the case....Canadians are being forced to choose others identity...

                  It's a problem but the genie is out of the bottle due to incompetence of people like Trudeau. ..

                  Just my opinion....
                  Astute, bucket.


                    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                    One can’t speak the truth anymore . Sad
                    Yes we can. I just did. It's a matter of not caving in.


                      According to Parsley we should all be dead by now because we didn't heed her scaremongering and stop all those brown people from ebola infected countries travelling. You were wrong then and you are wrong now with your hate on all muslims. You say you have no respect for any ideology, or religious doctrine, which teaches hate - yet you spout it freely all the time!


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