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Multiculturalism: A Worldwide Societal Failure

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    If it got as bad as Germany here, where would grass move to next?

    I remember in school (70s) being told how the US had a melting pot immigration ideal and we had a mosaic.
    One might be a bigger problem than the other.


      Originally posted by parsley View Post
      Yes we can. I just did. It's a matter of not caving in.
      But you don't speak the truth, you speak hate and vitriol. You come off as really ignorant. You try to give an air or intelligence, superiority, but you come off as a faux intellectual, with hate and ignorance at the base of your beliefs. Not only are you not smart but you are dangerous.

      I really cant figure out why the world is crashing down on some of the posters here when they have never left the farm or resort, let alone lived in a multicultural society. I kind of enjoy ethnicity and diversity. Click image for larger version

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        My first memory of religious secularism was when the "Lutheran girl" in our class never had to partake in Catechism when the nun from the convent came to school to teach it. As time passed, somewhere along the way Christian prayer and religious symbols disappeared out of schools. Then Christian based holiday greetings became taboo....

        Dilution to the point of unrecognition.

        Ps...I wouldn't want my daughters married or grand daughters born into extreme muslim culture.


          This kinda illustrates the points made above:

          Southern: "If I have a Chinese passport, does that make me Chinese?" Interviewee: "No" LOL!

          Multiculturalism in Canada now means squelching all traditional liberties and values to accommodate those of the progressives and newcomers. And the Charter actually protects those who would destroy it! LOL!

          We crafted our own poison pill.

          What is so hard about recognizing that the countries who have been overwhelmed by the recent migrant waves are quickly deteriorating into the same messes that the migrants tried to "escape"?

          The bottom line has been hinted at by farmaholic - that Canada (as was most of the West) was founded by those who were the product of a Christian background. Not just a coincidence, because successful democracy rose from a culture (think Greek culture, Renaissance, Reformation)that incubated respect for all life. (Not that western culture doesn't have it own array of failures along the way.)

          Islam, however, is the completely errant, reverse image of every good thing that Christ embodied and called his followers to emulate.

          So, what would one expect to see in Islamic domains but repression, hate, and destruction?

          So is it really a wonder that the migrant flow is into the West, rather than into Middle Eastern countries?


            A cartoon for our "Walter", LOL!

            Click image for larger version

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              Hillary Clinton’s campaign leader, John Podesta sure has eye opening information regarding what is going on in Germany, Belgium, Holland, etc.

              The statistics and facts aren’t politically correct enough for lefties though. 🙈




                  Sohail Gandhi

                  THE BLOG
                  Fellow Conservatives: We Dumped Racist Lynn Beyak, Kellie Leitch Must Be Next
                  We need to continue to divest ourselves from any politicians that have espoused the politics of hate and division.

                  01/15/2018 10:55 EST | Updated 01/15/2018 11:09 EST

                  Recently, federal Conservative party leader Andrew Scheer booted controversial senator Lynn Beyak from the party caucus for refusing to take down racist comments on her (publicly funded) website. This was an appropriate and overdue punishment for the controversial senator. Andrew Scheer made a clear statement that racism would not be tolerated by the Conservative Party.

                  Hopefully, the next move will be made by the Simcoe-Grey Conservative riding association. It seems they will have an opportunity to nominate somebody other than repugnant MP Kellie "I have 22 letters after my name" Leitch to represent the party in the next election.

                  A couple things you should know about me. I am a long-standing Conservative voter. It has always surprised me that so many immigrants generally have supported the Liberal party. When I turned 18 and told my friends that I intended to vote Conservative, they all looked at me and said, "What? You're an immigrant and you're not voting Liberal?"

                  But here's the thing that most people don't realize about immigrants. In terms of their value systems, my personal experience is similar to this American study that suggests immigrants are more conservative, and willing to consider any political party. While there is a perception of immigrants coming to Canada to take advantage of our social welfare system, the opposite is overwhelmingly true.

                  Why then has the Conservative party struggled to connect with this population?

                  Most immigrants work hard and believe that if you put in extra effort in you should be rewarded. More immigrants start small businesses (the lifeblood of our economy) than non-immigrants. Many come here to get AWAY from excessive government intervention in their lives and freedoms. Most immigrants I know are also socially more conservative. Certainly most of my family and their friends believed in much stronger laws against criminals.

                  A belief in rewarding hard work, limited government intrusion into your life, being tough on crime, holding up traditional social values — sounds like an ideal Conservative voter, no? So, why then has the Conservative party struggled to connect with this population?

                  I believe it's because a small minority of extremely racist, anti-immigration types have, in their rantings, targeted the liberals first, and created the impression at times that they are mainstream Conservative members (which they thankfully and clearly are not).

                  Which brings me back to the odious Kellie Leitch, who happens to be my member of Parliament. In her years as my representative she has disgraced herself and the Conservatives by (in no short order):

                  Willfully stoking Islamaphobia with her "barbaric cultural practices" hotline
                  Crying woefully obvious crocodile tears after the ensuing fiasco (she could take lessons on crying from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau)
                  Claiming that Immigration Canada was NOT screening for "anti-Canadian" values (even though the overwhelming evidence shows that they DO and HAVE for some time now)
                  Again, stoking race hatred by tweeting out when one Syrian refugee was charged with a violent crime. As an aside, if the violent crime rate of Syrian refugees is one in 25,000 (the number of refugees we took) it would be 250 times LESS than the violent crime rate of non-refugees!
                  There are 18 letters after her name, not 22 as she embarrassingly once claimed.
                  THAT video (ugh!).
                  Showing that Leitch has completely failed to learn from her mistakes — this invite for a grassroots conversation with her suggests that "fake news" is the cause of her woes. I mean, really, how tone deaf do you have to be to realize that this Trump-style rhetoric will not appeal to Canadians?

                  At any rate, it appears that there is some hope on the horizon for the Conservatives. In a surprising turn of events, the abhorrent Leitch is actually being challenged for her party nomination by two outstanding candidates. Usually, incumbent MPs (particularly former cabinet ministers) are nominated by acclamation.

                  Dr. Gillian Yeates, who herself is a Harvard graduate, is attempting to wrest the party nomination from Leitch. I personally know Gillian very well and she's an outstanding candidate who's articulate and well-spoken. The icing on the cake is that Yeates happens to be a brown woman of colour (her family is from the Indian state of Goa), which would help ease the lack of diversity on the current Conservative front bench.

                  Also running is Essa Township Mayor Terry Dowdall, who has a long history of service to the community. As a small business owner himself, he has firsthand experience in knowing what the proposed small business tax changes will do to Canadians.

                  Residents of Simcoe Grey who want to vote out Kellie Leitch need to join the Conservative Party by Thursday, Jan.25, 2018 at 5 p.m., and can do so by clicking on this link.

                  Canadians are slowly coming to the realization that while current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is exceptionally good at taking selfies and crying on demand, his intelligence and judgement are seriously being called into question by his numerous missteps. It is therefore essential that the Conservative party provide a viable national alternative to the Liberals. More importantly, they MUST appeal to all people who believe in reduced government intervention, increased personal freedoms and a climate that promotes business growth by allowing those who take risks to reap rewards.

                  In order to do that, the Conservatives need to continue to divest themselves from any politicians that have espoused the politics of hate and division. Removing Lynn Beyak was the first step. For the sake of a party that I've always supported and desperately want to win next time, Kellie Leitch must be the next to go.


                    As mentioned many times before, sadly the truth cannot be spoken for fear of reprisal. I alone have made some "BOLD" comments about our very own First Nations.

                    The irony in the above video about the Interviewer...... a minority officer responding to a complaint about a blonde Western Women conducting interviews in front of a mosque..... Who the **** is showing intolerance here? And in the back ground stand the women..... why didn't they confront the reporter? Because they "know their place"?!?!?!

                    Take the race card out of the deck, or better yet off the bottom of the deck where it can easily be accessed and played at will..... maybe then we will have a fair game of cards.

                    Has the Asian community ever been so demanding?

                    Merge in! But follow the rules of OUR road.
                    Last edited by farmaholic; Jan 17, 2018, 08:47.


                      Contrary to what you say, JoeyJerimiah, I've travelled widely incl abroad, New Zealand, Fiji, extensively t/o the USA etc, because I very much enjoy diversity. Ethnicity. Different foods. Different customs. Different languages. They provide choices to one's life. And embracing choice is what makes life richer and exciting.

                      But any religion that not only teaches its morals & doctrine, but takes it upon itself to legally enforce that morality in countries where Rule of Law is in place, is not only a danger to their adherents in those countries, but very dangerous to non-believers.

                      Following their religious doctrine to the letter, the very-holy kill to enforce their beliefs, and terrorize nom-believers into conversion. And it's time to pay attention.

                      In Sweden, it began in small zones, where even police are now in danger if they enter. I was in Sweden in 2019 Malmo was a paradise but it is not safe to return there as it's become the **** capital of Europe. **** (of men boys, women and girls), intimidation, beatings, & theft have became commonplace. Did you know Sweden had to set up a **** clinic for men and boys? Swedish men are so cowed, they would not report the ****s. The **** was so violent many required surgery. ( Later, the clinics were closed to dedicate that money for welfare for more migrants.)

                      Swedes were and are, afraid to speak out because they were, and still are, called racist by the authorities, & by ideologues and by the bribed.

                      Last week, the Swedish army was called in to try and restore some sense of order. Sharia law has replaced the rule of law in these areas and increasingly, there are calls within the Swedish government to establish Sharia law

                      I have relatives in Sweden.

                      Speaking truth often requires us to call out the hate that is being imposed upon innocent citizens. pars
                      Last edited by parsley; Jan 17, 2018, 09:17.


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