Chuck quote. "It is a current lesson on how pre war Germany could embrace Hitlers message that Jews were the problem.*
Now its the jews, the blacks, the indians, the muslims, the immigrants, and the foreigners. Anyone who I don't like, don't know, or who I don't understand. Pick one or all.
The first step is to demonize the target enemy and make them not like us."
There has been targeted genocide throughout history. Sometimes I sense that since the Nazi crimes, our society has been so focused on a "never again" mindset of shame (arguably so) that we are hyper focused on not singling out anything. To the point of naivety or blindness. We need to remember however that not all people share this sense of purpose. Criminal acts by Pol Pot or the Taliban prove this.
I'm pretty sure that some kind of genocide will happen again someday. Interesting that I grew up watching Archie Bunker and it was just funny. Today he would be labelled something nefarious. No genocides in his day.
We can all agree that for evil to succeed, good men do nothing. Current conditions in Canada are nothing at all like pre war Germany. An injustice to history to use it as such a lame comparison. Europe today might be a lesson in how not to do things.
Also getting tired of the racist term being thrown around like an unfriending on FB.
No, I don't have the answers on immigration. We should talk about how to prevent a present day Europe from happening here rather than crying racist all the time. Playing kissy face with the world that is moving into Canada will not make everything wonderful. Canada will change a lot in the next few generations. It is indefendible as a fortress.
Are there certain rights and laws that we can all agree on? If so, what happens when someone says their religion dictates they contravene? Waffle so as not to be labelled a Nazi?
It might be time for all of us to agree on what we stand for.
Maybe it isn't evil to stop certain immigration until we see what plays out overseas and in the shithole countrys.
None of them are facing a gas chamber.
Maybe our current screening process is good enough. And maybe life here is so damn good we'll all get together like the crew on Star Trek.
Or maybe I'll keep my powder dry...... sorry, cant seem to write any better than this tonight.
Now its the jews, the blacks, the indians, the muslims, the immigrants, and the foreigners. Anyone who I don't like, don't know, or who I don't understand. Pick one or all.
The first step is to demonize the target enemy and make them not like us."
There has been targeted genocide throughout history. Sometimes I sense that since the Nazi crimes, our society has been so focused on a "never again" mindset of shame (arguably so) that we are hyper focused on not singling out anything. To the point of naivety or blindness. We need to remember however that not all people share this sense of purpose. Criminal acts by Pol Pot or the Taliban prove this.
I'm pretty sure that some kind of genocide will happen again someday. Interesting that I grew up watching Archie Bunker and it was just funny. Today he would be labelled something nefarious. No genocides in his day.
We can all agree that for evil to succeed, good men do nothing. Current conditions in Canada are nothing at all like pre war Germany. An injustice to history to use it as such a lame comparison. Europe today might be a lesson in how not to do things.
Also getting tired of the racist term being thrown around like an unfriending on FB.
No, I don't have the answers on immigration. We should talk about how to prevent a present day Europe from happening here rather than crying racist all the time. Playing kissy face with the world that is moving into Canada will not make everything wonderful. Canada will change a lot in the next few generations. It is indefendible as a fortress.
Are there certain rights and laws that we can all agree on? If so, what happens when someone says their religion dictates they contravene? Waffle so as not to be labelled a Nazi?
It might be time for all of us to agree on what we stand for.
Maybe it isn't evil to stop certain immigration until we see what plays out overseas and in the shithole countrys.

None of them are facing a gas chamber.
Maybe our current screening process is good enough. And maybe life here is so damn good we'll all get together like the crew on Star Trek.
Or maybe I'll keep my powder dry...... sorry, cant seem to write any better than this tonight.