Youve got weather against you, lack of trains and cars and of course the rockies and tryanny of distance.
But has it always been this way? Or are you guys like farmers worldwide producing more off your given acre and the supply chain cant keep up and is out of date.
Or was it privately owned and then went to govt hands or vice versa and it gone belly up since then?
Do oil and grain fight for same rail space?
Ports to the north to me wouldnt work due to weather and narrow shipping window?
Went to balcarres and muenster wow its a long way from everywere when you think of freight.
In montana i saw grain trains seemingly 12 even 1300 metres long filling wheat at a elevator then two towns on another train similar, maybe that grain heads south or is rail movement easier stateside?
really didnt ask enough questions between beers...........
Can it be fixed? Would farmers co fund rail with graincos?? I doubt it.
Which way does manitoba grain move east i guess? Or depends which side of manitoba?
But has it always been this way? Or are you guys like farmers worldwide producing more off your given acre and the supply chain cant keep up and is out of date.
Or was it privately owned and then went to govt hands or vice versa and it gone belly up since then?
Do oil and grain fight for same rail space?
Ports to the north to me wouldnt work due to weather and narrow shipping window?
Went to balcarres and muenster wow its a long way from everywere when you think of freight.
In montana i saw grain trains seemingly 12 even 1300 metres long filling wheat at a elevator then two towns on another train similar, maybe that grain heads south or is rail movement easier stateside?
really didnt ask enough questions between beers...........
Can it be fixed? Would farmers co fund rail with graincos?? I doubt it.
Which way does manitoba grain move east i guess? Or depends which side of manitoba?