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    Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
    That was cheesy👉☝️
    Looked gouda to me


      Originally posted by parsley View Post
      I'm in favour of starting a FundMe page for building the USA's southern wall in order to stop the Mexican drug lords from sending their grunts to Canada, along with all the M.E. ISIS haters who sneak into the US through the same border. $20 bucks a person. Present the cash to Trump from Western Canadians in person. Fifty farmers fly to Washington. Betcha FTA would become Western-Canadian friendly. Pars. 🤠
      and maybe our leader would realize there is something in western Canada !
      actually one of the best ideas I have ever saw on here !


        Why would we do that when we need immigration to offset all the workers leaving for Alberta? We need those immigrants with all those degrees to come here. Let the failures leave and bring in these smarter ones.

        Like honestly some times I don't know about you people.


          Originally posted by the big wheel View Post
          Why would we do that when we need immigration to offset all the workers leaving for Alberta? We need those immigrants with all those degrees to come here. Let the failures leave and bring in these smarter ones.

          Like honestly some times I don't know about you people.
          *Immigrants who can't speak English. We pay to train them.

          *They can't drive a car. We pay to train them.

          *They come with rotten teeth and dental problems. Yes, we'll pay for it.

          *They want to drag their parents in wheel chairs to come and live here. Oh, ya, we shall pay the bill.

          *They need glasses. Oh my. Get two pair. We'll pay.

          *Welfare? OF COURSE. We shall pay. Forever.

          *Schooling? We'll pay. We help poor people. Pay up.

          *She has diabetes and STD's and aids. Yup we can pay for the drugs.

          *The degree is a hoax? Get the bastard counseling, he's upset.

          *He's a she? Oh, there's a doctor who'll start
          horomone therapy but it's expensive, baby! Oh well it's only money so we'll pay for it.

          He needs a fist class ticket to fly here? Ok. That's the last straw.

          Hire a damn neighbour kid. And train her.

          I read about a Big Wheel who needs a training wheel about life.

          Last edited by parsley; Jan 24, 2018, 08:04. Reason: Spelling


            Originally posted by dalek View Post
            Looked gouda to me


              Originally posted by parsley View Post
              *Immigrants who can't speak English. We pay to train them.

              *They can't drive a car. We pay to train them.

              *They come with rotten teeth and dental problems. Yes, we'll pay for it.

              *They want to drag their parents in wheel chairs to come and live here. Oh, ya, we shall pay the bill.

              *They need glasses. Oh my. Get two pair. We'll pay.

              *Welfare? OF COURSE. We shall pay. Forever.

              *Schooling? We'll pay. We help poor people. Pay up.

              *She has diabetes and STD's and aids. Yup we can pay for the drugs.

              *The degree is a hoax? Get the bastard counseling, he's upset.

              *He's a she? Oh, there's a doctor who'll start
              horomone therapy but it's expensive, baby! Oh well it's only money so we'll pay for it.

              He needs a fist class ticket to fly here? Ok. That's the last straw.

              Hire a damn neighbour kid. And train her.

              I read about a Big Wheel who needs a training wheel about life.

              Parlsey. We have always known you are anti immigrant. But your list of scenarios is just plainly ugly propaganda and fear mongering.

              Is your life so bad that all you can do is blame immigrants?

              If you believe this crap and have never encountered an immigrant who works hard and makes Canada a better place, you have got some serious problems.

              Why are you hiding on Agriville. If you believe this you should form an anti immigrant party and put your message out in public and see what response you get.

              Just like Kellie Leitch you will disappear into the fringes of Canadian politics.

              I guess when you said in an earlier thread that you would prefer to go to live Russia under Putin than stay in Canada that should have been a clue that your judgement is in question.


                Most of today's immigrants have no similarity to past immigrants who came to Canada to find a better life. To adopt our lifestyle. Our values of 'live and let live'.

                Update your information base.

                Today's Border crashers from Somalia, and military refugees from every "shithole country" are here to change Canada into a facsimile of their country of birth. Many claim they have no papers. Many are paid infiltrators, chuckchuck. They have more expensive jeans and iPhones than you have. They are her to bankrupt us. To cow us. They will be welfare bums. Demanding free services. Free lawyers. Free dental work. And they laugh at your kind of stupidity.

                Liar immigrants such as Minister Maryam Monsef, in an appointed position of power, lied to immigration officials about both her place of birth, and her date of birth. She claimed refugee status, whilst she was actually born in a upscale Iranian hospital. She is trying to sell Sharia Law to Canadians. Sharia law is a pall on all women, and she is the Minister of women for Canadian women. My god.

                There are some immigrants who have entered Canada in the last year who want to become part of the Canadian fabric, and I welcome them. But few get accepted.

                Islamic military men are on the pre-approved list.

                Is chucky*uckchuck really trying to say I'm hiding on Agriville when everyone knows my name that I've posted countless times?

                Im calling you on this one. Post your name. And your town. Or are are you a chickenshit bigmouth?

                If you are too timid to out yourself, get off Agriville and bring a couple of the army men from Pakistan into your home so you and your wife can better spend your time teaching them English. Exchanging barbs with racists is beneath your visionary-sensibilities. I'm sure your wife and children and neighbours will appreciate your noble global-goals. Parsley.
                Last edited by parsley; Jan 24, 2018, 10:21.


                  I find it odd that people will call parsley a racist with comments that are also racist in its intent....

                  Saying a Canadian doesn't like immigration that's being allowed doesn't make a racist....a realist or a truther, truthist or whatever you call someone that speaks the truth .....

                  Thank you parsley for re-engaging here...makes for better conversation....


                    Why is anyone 'hiding' on wienerville?
                    Why does chuck enjoy being the lone uber liberal publicly?
                    Why does he see Nazis under every bed?
                    I can read between the lines of Parsleys posts and know she is not completely anti immigrant.
                    I agree that it may be a dangerous slope, but particular screening of who we let in may be in our best interests.
                    In the past, certain religions were identified as a nationality as much as their birth country. Maybe some still see themselves as a religion first.
                    If Parsley simply wants immigrants to identify as Canadians, under one law, then who wouldnt agree with her?
                    I have read enough accounts of people who have worked in aid positions overseas to know that although we may be the same specie, it is not one world no matter how badly the naive (who all seem to fit into one economic group) want it to be.

                    SHARIA LAW MY ASS!


                      Andrew Scheer’s inclusive appeal shouldn’t leave room for alt-right
                      John Ibbitson

                      Published August 15, 2017
                      Updated August 15, 2017

                      The first Conservative Leader whom Marjory LeBreton worked for was John Diefenbaker. She was leader of the government in the Senate under Stephen Harper, before being sidelined by the Senate expenses scandal. She is well known in the party as a Red Tory: supportive of small government, but progressive on social issues. And she is worried about her party.

                      "My fear is that Canadians … will be influenced by the excessive partisanship and deep divide we are witnessing in U.S. politics and come to the conclusion that Canadian Conservatives are the same," she wrote me Tuesday.

                      In the wake of last weekend's violence in Charlottesville, Va., Conservatives "must step up to define ourselves right now as to who we are and what we stand for and more importantly what we stand against and what we will not tolerate," the retired senator said. "… Getting caught up in the politics of conservatives south of the border will do irreparable harm to our good and decent party."

                      On Sunday, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer (whom Ms. LeBreton did not support during the leadership campaign) also condemned "these acts of racism, violence and hatred."

                      But a strain of populist, anti-immigrant nativism runs through the Conservative Party, which previous leaders have at times suppressed, and at times exploited.

                      Charlottesville confronts Canadian Conservatives with a choice: to play footsy with intolerants, or to expel them from the party and the movement. Which will Mr. Scheer choose? One clue will be how he responds to the growing furor in this country over Rebel Media.

                      In June, Statistics Canada reported that almost half of all hate crimes in 2015 were based on racial or ethnic animus. In January, a shooter with extreme right-wing views allegedly killed six people at a mosque in Quebec City.

                      Small groups of extreme right-wing protesters have held rallies in various cities, with another planned for Vancouver on Saturday. Counterprotesters also plan to be there.

                      Mr. Scheer, who declined to be interviewed for this piece, maintains that he wants the Conservative Party of Canada to be open to all.

                      "We are a very inclusive party," he told the Toronto edition of Metro in June. "We send a very positive message. We stand up for the rights of all different kinds of people all around the world."

                      But the party he leads contains conflicting impulses. At its best, the Conservative Party under Mr. Harper could rightly claim to be the only conservative party in the developed world that had strong support from immigrant voters.

                      But in the 2015 election campaign, Mr. Harper and his party attacked the niqab worn by some Muslim women, and assailed "barbaric cultural practices." The leadership campaigns of social conservatives such as Kellie Leitch, Brad Trost and others appeared to reveal that about one Conservative Party member in seven is more Trumpesque than Harperesque (pre-2015) in outlook.

                      And Mr. Scheer has his own populist streak, such as his campaign pledge to cut funding to universities that don't protect the right of free speech on campuses.

                      Many Canadian Trump supporters are avid watchers of Rebel Media, an online platform that commentator Ezra Levant established after the conservative news channel Sun News went off the air.

                      The Rebel is strongly pro-Trump and anti-immigrant, especially Muslim immigrants. Its commentators have indulged in anti-Semitic screeds. It has interviewed American white-supremacist leader Richard Spencer.

                      But the violence at Charlottesville shocked even Mr. Levant, who issued a memo to staff Monday saying Rebel Media does not support the alt-right, the umbrella term for white supremacists, fascists and other racists who demonstrated in Charlottesville.

                      "That term now effectively means racism, anti-Semitism and tolerance of neo-Nazism," he wrote. "… We believe that character and ideas and actions are more important than skin colour, or for that matter sex or sexual orientation."

                      This was not enough to keep Brian Lilley, one of Rebel Media's most prominent commentators, and freelance contributor Barbara Kay from quitting.

                      "I am not comfortable being associated with a group that, rightly or wrongly, is being increasingly viewed as associated with the likes of Richard Spencer," Mr. Lilley said on Facebook. "… I am also not comfortable with the increasingly harsh tone taken on issues like immigration, or Islam."

                      Other voices agree. Conservative MP Michael Chong declared he would never appear on the Rebel. Doug Schweitzer, a candidate for the leadership of the new United Conservative Party in Alberta, also announced he would boycott the site.

                      "Conservative politicians should no longer be participating in a platform that allows for the facilitation of hate," he told the CBC. Brian Jean and Jason Kenney, the front-running candidates for the leadership, had not at press time joined the boycott.

                      Mr. Scheer has appeared on the Rebel in the past, and his campaign manager is a director of the company, though the platform is no fan of his leadership. Mr. Levant called him a "backstabber" for supporting the Paris climate accord.

                      Mr. Scheer probably can't, and shouldn't, order his MPs not to appear on Rebel TV, though he might want to consider keeping off it himself.

                      Far more important is persuading all Canadians – including immigrant Canadians and Muslim Canadians both newly arrived and native born – that his party embraces them, shares their values and that he will not countenance voices of exclusion or resentment within his caucus or the conservative movement.

                      He will have to say that very loudly, and act with conviction, if he is to prevent what Ms. LeBreton fears: the tarring of the Conservative movement in Canada with the American brush of intolerance.


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