I'm just jealous because my premium is at the max from not being enrolled! I thought there were checks and balances built in. I had a Crop Insurance farming relative that complained how the program treated him after a while....when everyone else in the area was growing crops and he was always in a claim position, how do you justify that in your mind. How would a big pay-out affect your low-payout/experience discount premium and for how many years forward?....maybe it's worth it. But if you fore go a good crop with good prices for an insurance payout? On owned land cutting back on weed control is just stupid...long term ramifications. I supposed nutrients can be replaced in subsequent years if you grow a good crop with reduced fertilizers. Split apps if things look good if you cut back in spring.
I understand the desire to reduce risk and take the "sure bet".
I understand the desire to reduce risk and take the "sure bet".