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New farmer mental health group www.DoMore.Ag - This issue should not be taboo.

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    New farmer mental health group www.DoMore.Ag - This issue should not be taboo.

    My father or grandfather would never think to talk about mental health issues - it was not what men do.

    I saw this new initiative and the Bell Let's Talk day is next week. Please take help if you are not feeling well. I lost an uncle because he thought he was alone and the pressures were too much for him. Be a tough farmer and man and reach out for help...we are there for you.

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    This is a tough subject but all of us who have been on here for years know Cotton was one of our best. But deep down we all even his friends didn't catch what was going on.

    Hell the texts at three in the morning on some trade thing or buy on TSE. Ah it was just cotton.

    Then a Year ago a few weird texts you brush off then the text you really cant believe you get from his wife saying he passed last night and its 5:15 AM. with he had been struggling.

    Yes some laugh at me with the flood years how it wasn't so wet like i described and how can any one hate rain.

    Well believe it or not this site was a stress relief that i needed. Stress isn't fun it gets to you every cloud you see you just start to boil. It starts slow with oh we had rainy year then year two how can it happen two in a row then three and on and on by the 15th you start thinking stupid. Believe me it happens. My out was not the booze. It was this site.

    Now i had another close friend who farmed in another part of the province we chatted every week to 10 days thats our way of keeping in touch. Families grow kids come then grand kids and life moves on but these once a week or so conversations you catch right back with everything.

    Well one of the strongest people i know battled a hard battle with the Bottle. Closet drinkers then throw in Stress of Land prices, starting a son in farming and preparing for retirement and buying out family. Got to him again i missed the signs. Some will laugh WTF you couldn't see. But yes you see the change but its something you never talk about.

    Stress is a killer and throw the Bottle or Drugs into the mixture and the mind does amazing scary things. You give up hope, their is no way out of this etc.

    They caught his before something happened but its a long road back. Then the stigma from the community is the real problem.

    Its a disease mental issues.

    So any one having real weird thoughts or stressed out get help talk about it with any one its serious.

    Because after your gone its really your family you left behind that has all the problems.


      Thanks for sharing Sask.

      We appreciate your leadership.

      Mental health is something that is difficult to understand...tremendous stress unaddressed leads to some terrible outcomes.

      We all know people who did not ask for help and regret not doing more.

      I wish everyone good mental health in this challenging farming life.


        Sometimes it is hard to believe that we allow all these stressors into this beautiful world. With fake news, "me too" accusations, child abuse, family break ups and monetary crisis blaring at us from every tabloid, it baffles me that any of us are sane, not to mention mentally healthy. Many of us are fortunate that we are able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but for some, loneliness, despair and grief plague every day. I try to reach out to people, even strangers and share a smile and a gesture of friendship because you never know the pain that they walk with. Just saying.


          An older guy I worked with 25 years ago said something to me that stuck ....a simple "good morning " can make the difference.

          So I tried it for a while ....funny thing was when I said good morning to him his answer was...."what's so good about it"..

          So I reversed it when he said good morning to me....he started telling about the blue sky and the birds chirping and a story about jack turvey. ....still laugh when I think about it...

          It starts the conversation...a simple hello or good morning can brighten ones outlook.


            I think it's a hideous disease with a negative stigma. It may be environmentally triggered and the real unfortunate ones are the genetically affected. I've seen people paralyzed by depression. There are so many mental health disorders, scary. No one should suffer in silence. If someone reaches out to help...take the hand. If you're overwhelmed, please seek help. It doesn't discriminate.


              There used to be mental health clinics in Regina where one could just walk in off the street. They may still be around. A friend of mine was feeling desperate once in university and after a couple of just friendly conversation with a great social worker, he went back to university, got on with life and never looked back. He said one thing she said to him made all the difference , " you seem like a great guy to me, I will help you". And she did, she editted one of his essays at university and kept in touch with him. He became a pharmacist and has lived a great life, far as I know. How one person can make so much difference.


                Visiting at the rink, opinion of some and all agree, CLOUDY DREARY weather for weeks really screws our mind/attitude. One takes mega Vit D another fish oils help. Sounds like BC is a mental mess in the rainy cloudy winter. Sunny is uplifting and HAPPY.


                  Fact is, it is in someones mind. That makes it their problem first. Difficult to work with or help.
                  Talking is the only way to work with it. It will always be around.
                  Education is the first step. Attitudes change. Recognition follows. Acceptance.
                  The lack of qualified counsellors is a problem difficult to remedy.

                  Listening is first step. I've spent hundreds of hours just listening to others.
                  Spent hundreds of hours talking. The truly troubled need professional help.
                  It becomes a years long process.
                  I'm not afraid to share my experiences. My way of educating.
                  I do see a big difference from my Dads generation to today.
                  If the individual with problems cannot see them there is nothing to do.
                  Kudos to Bell for its initiative.
                  God bless, everyone.


                    Sumdum. Your story reminded me of when I walked in to a CMHA office with my 2 yr old son.
                    I was sent in the right direction to the right councillor luckily. Saved my life, metaphorically.


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