Well this has been one heck of a week to haul grain. 10 km run and very few line ups. Two semis get lots in.
Now what has boy blunder done this week.
Well he showed the world his Chewbacca socks thats a big thing. He silently got canada a deal with TPP. or did they just do a deal and because we were part of the original pack they phoned the Trudeau camp and said we have a deal if you want in sign if not F#$K Off.
Thats how i see it. Now seems maybe the Canadian Auto Sector got thrown under the Bus thats a surprise since its a eastern sector or is it just that Stupid Trudeau thinks we will all be flying on Carpets in 5 years so why support a dying industry.
Beef guys got access and a few tariffs are down. Maybe its going to be ok. Time will tell.
Now Ontario politics heated up with SeX abuse claims against the Conservative leader. Wow the liberals will do any thing to get elected. If its true throw the guy under the bus back up drive forward then reverse and do it again.
But this Me To is getting out of hand, soon men and women wont date it will be a contract, finding that special some one will be a legal deal. Sucks but thats whats happening, I wouldn't want to be dating now. Hell think back every women you ever were with. Would any man or women not have someone who might try to take them down. Throw in Politics and wow the shit can hit the fan fast.
The internet we love is one of the reasons shit happens fast. 50 years ago if the news happened in Ontario you might read about it a week later think oh well and move on to F#$K its cold today or rainy.
Now something thats starting to piss me off is how the Canadian Farmer has let all his suppliers and now his buyers amalgamate into super companies till what we will all bow to Bayer or ADM and life goes on. The competition bureau is a F#$King joke what good will come from one company owning all the Fert or all the Seed or all the Chemical we use or Buy our grain. Like the Above Sex scandal the evil always comes to the top.
Farmers are getting the shaft on all ends but some cant see and unfortunately most are missing this point because the good times just have to keep rolling.
Equipment is totally insane, Where is a grain cart with tracks worth 200000. Really a auger at 50000. But we still get paid the same for a bushel of grain as my grandfather did back in 1928. So think about that. Oh we grow so much more now with super seeds and super tonic water sprays and fungicides and etc. No were spending our selves into the poor house.
Farming is cycles so the we have to produce more is bullshit. How well is that working most cant move any grain because when the world is full no one cares about food and no one wants to pay for it.
Then throw in South America and China and Europe doing infrastructure projects to move product soon they won't need us but in Canada we worry about adding gay/bi/strait/trans to trade deals. Really lets get some thing going before its to late. Cant any one see. Look at oil No way to move but shitty rail and no pipelines its worth 35 bucks a barrel but real oil trades at 65. Only market is USA so they take for nothing because were to stupid to create wealth here. Other places will buy our product we just need it moved. But that was Canada's problem since confederation. The railways were great but why give them to the market to trade and control guess what evil comes to the top. They killed the country. Then throw in Stupid politicians from all sides with no vision and you in the toilet. Canada is failing and only when the last company leaves will Canadians figure it out. Campbell soup left Ontario for USA, Others are building plants down their when will people see the shit show of carbon taxes and useless power programs only benefit a few with useless tec. Its about building.
I wish i could see the positives of farming here or creating wealth here but all i see is roadblocks at every corner. Sad really when you wish your farm was in South America or some where else.
We Took French in School because it was a world wide language. F@#K we all should of learned Spanish or Portuguese or Chinese. Then we would have some thing.
So as the month of January comes to a close with some awesome weather and its actually nice to be outside here and enjoy our space. Remember its just 90 days till were back seeding and growing a crop that no one really wants or isn't willing to pay jack shit for. Ah happy thoughts.
Oh well have my tickets for the Florida Panthers game against Toronto and a few others. Its six blocks from our condo. Thats a positive.
Enjoy the weather its great to be on the top side of the ground than under it. Keep safe.