Grassfarmer, one simple question, how is your farm going to become carbon neutral by 2030 or beyond?
For myself it is in my opinion not achievable. One thing I did this winter was buy a sectional control aircart. I hope this will improve my efficiency by 5% or a bit more. In all honesty this was done to cope with rising costs and to eliminate lodging where the drill overlaps not to reduce emissions. Now I could install a grid-tie solar system for 40K, this would help a bit. I could switch to swath grazing instead of putting up hay and silage, this would help a bit. But I have a son working his way into the operation so we are trying to expand and farm more land, I see the chances of my farm being carbon neutral by 2030 as being zero. I guess I could retire and then I could probably reduce my carbon footprint close to zero lol. But my hope is my son would still be farming and the farms carbon footprint would be the same.
For myself it is in my opinion not achievable. One thing I did this winter was buy a sectional control aircart. I hope this will improve my efficiency by 5% or a bit more. In all honesty this was done to cope with rising costs and to eliminate lodging where the drill overlaps not to reduce emissions. Now I could install a grid-tie solar system for 40K, this would help a bit. I could switch to swath grazing instead of putting up hay and silage, this would help a bit. But I have a son working his way into the operation so we are trying to expand and farm more land, I see the chances of my farm being carbon neutral by 2030 as being zero. I guess I could retire and then I could probably reduce my carbon footprint close to zero lol. But my hope is my son would still be farming and the farms carbon footprint would be the same.