Its snowed a little bit, January our worst month is almost over hell in 90 days we will be seeding.
You all know i believe in Canada deep down. We are at a time in Canada were we wanted a change and we got a change. But unfortunately the guy or group who won thought we gave them a mandate to promote ever stupid idea known to man kind.
But when subjects like History are not taught any more what do you expect.
The new group that will look after us Baby Boomers in our Dying days scares the shit out of me. The Me Generation who have only known Low interest rates, Easy Credit, Every one gets a trophy crowd.
But i digress.
Today is about the coldest month ending so lets post any thing that any one finds humorous.
I like the above posting because i love politics. It makes my day.
Yes I believe Trudeau is an Idiot.
But this is for fun, so if their is something that you just find funny post. Hell post it twice if you enjoy it that much.
Post away.