Well we’ll well is it our PM that’s really gay or who is the story coming out about. News at 11.
I heard this weeks ago but who know. He didn’t Hurt a women it’s a man maybe. Great that would explain lots about our PM.
Now let’s wait and see.
Tomorrow should hit Nebraska will know what’s going on with winter wheat. No snow and cold.
Sask has a new Pre Scott Moe. Good job now let’s kick those NDPs ass.
Grain prices are starting to climb but how much can they go up.
Still problems with pulses wheat Kansas is climbing due to winter wheat min sucks shit but ND Montana SD are under min snow nothing growing.
Canola moving when price goes over $11.
Barley did get 4.10and it’s going March.
Boy is their no snow all way to Fargo. Heading south.
If I missed any story post .
Take care,