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Global Warming WTF??

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    All scientists believe in acceletated climate change.Your right not to believe. But then most every drug chemical and syntheic material was created with help of scientits.Not sure you can pick and choose.


      Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
      How many times do we have to explain the difference between individual anecdotal weather observations and rigorous climate science based on thousands of global data sources over long periods of time?

      Your weather observations about this year are irrelevant and probably inaccurate. "Coldest most miserable winter that you can remember". You would need to check the temperature records to confirm as your memory is not evidence.

      Then to top it off you say Don Cherry and Donald Trump are the only people who have figured it out!
      Trump and Cherry are no doubt the experts in everything they talk about!

      Whenever I want the "truth" the two Donald's come to mind! LOL. Hahaha.
      Its not weatger when soneone gets an unusual hot spell , though
      This is better than the comedy network!
      Lol Could quote two idiots gore and suzuki instead like some on here
      Not sure if you realize who is really providing the laughs on here
      The truth will come out eventually. Oh and dont bother explaining the difference to me anymore , i dont buy tgat load of shit Please put me in your ignore list
      Last edited by Guest; Feb 4, 2018, 17:00.


        Something puzzles me though , why did they quit calling it global warming ??


          Originally posted by newguy View Post
          All scientists believe in acceletated climate change.Your right not to believe. But then most every drug chemical and syntheic material was created with help of scientits.Not sure you can pick and choose.
          “All scientests” what a broad , bold statement ??


            LiDAR surveys of Guatemalan rainforest has revealed 60,000 Mayan structures previous unknown. Also shows wide, elevated roadways, massive water reservoirs and extensive irrigation system for an estimated 19 million Mayans living in this region. We know this civilization rivalled the ancients Greeks and Chinese for their knowledge of science, math, astronomy, language and art. Yet the civilization disappeared in about 100 years because of severe droughts caused in part by deforestation of the rainforests which resulted in 3 to 5 degree increase in temperature and 30% decrease in rainfall. It was enough to doom an advanced civilization who likely believed they could do what ever they wanted to the environment without any impact or at least they could adapt. Why do we think we are any less at risk than the Mayans? I suggest we are at even greater risk. It is the not climate change alone but the consequences that result down the road from drought, hunger, displacement of people, wars etc, etc, etc,

            Instead of complaining about the weather, take the time to read what climate change has done to civilizations in the past including the Mayans. Time to learn from history instead of hiding your heads in the sand of time.


              that's ones persons theory on it and the others is a meteor so which is it?


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                Very true. Except every weather event is being used to justify the existence of global warming. Somehow the opposite cannot be used. It would be fair if we all played by the same rules.

                that is so true.


                  Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
                  LiDAR surveys of Guatemalan rainforest has revealed 60,000 Mayan structures previous unknown. Also shows wide, elevated roadways, massive water reservoirs and extensive irrigation system for an estimated 19 million Mayans living in this region. We know this civilization rivalled the ancients Greeks and Chinese for their knowledge of science, math, astronomy, language and art. Yet the civilization disappeared in about 100 years because of severe droughts caused in part by deforestation of the rainforests which resulted in 3 to 5 degree increase in temperature and 30% decrease in rainfall. It was enough to doom an advanced civilization who likely believed they could do what ever they wanted to the environment without any impact or at least they could adapt. Why do we think we are any less at risk than the Mayans? I suggest we are at even greater risk. It is the not climate change alone but the consequences that result down the road from drought, hunger, displacement of people, wars etc, etc, etc,

                  Instead of complaining about the weather, take the time to read what climate change has done to civilizations in the past including the Mayans. Time to learn from history instead of hiding your heads in the sand of time.
                  I have a couple of thoughts Dml. First I did read about this latest discovery of a never known Mayan settlement. The first thing I would question about your logic is that the localized deforestation by the Mayan's wouldn't in my opinion be large enough in area to affect the worlds temperature. It could however affect local weather patterns. How does this relate to today's belief that elevated C02 levels as a result of fossil fuel use are raising the earths temperature? Now I can certainly agree that the rapid use of fossil fuels is short sighted and is bound to have some affect. What I can't agree with is that governments in a few countries can change the environment of the world by imposing C02 taxes on its citizens. If you want to change the culture use incentives not taxes. Besides let's be realistic this is more a war on capitalism than on pollution!!!!


                    Every Lieberal, large "L" or small "l" has never met a problem that another tax won't solve, the carbon tax is just the latest example. There's no doubt the climate is warming - we're recovering from an ice age ferchrisake. The question is whether man is causing the warming and the science on that question is by no means settled, no matter what chucky or grassy or their lying buddies Al and David would like us to believe. There's also no doubt that an increase in CO2 is net positive for agriculture and a warming through the Great Plains of North America benefits western Canada.

                    So from the cheap seats where I watch this sh**show there's nothing that my actions are going to do to change a trend that's been in place for roughly 50,000 years. And even if I was foolish enough to believe there was something I could do, the net impact of warming is positive for my area. None of which says that I should soil my nest, even a pig knows enough not to do that. So I'll continue to recycle to avoid filling up the local landfill, I'll take my waste oil to a collection facility and I'll plant the occasional tree. As far as the rest of the AGW driven bullcrap, count me out.


                      Originally posted by Robertbarlage View Post
                      that's ones persons theory on it and the others is a meteor so which is it?
                      And some say aliens were responsible too. Show me the proof of a meteorite and I will consider it. Until then I will use the best hypothesis of science which is that it was caused by extreme drought. And we have proof of that drought through sediment deposits. I also by the argument of deforestation and resultant climate change considering millions of people lived and built in a tropical rainforest which simply as forest could not support that many people.

                      To argue it is just a theory without considering the validity of the theory, puts you in the same group that says modern agriculture is bad, vaccines are bad etc etc etc.


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