Again why i dont contract, low pro is less than feed but cant sell either way and no black and white discounts.
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Tsunami of Black Sea Wheat
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Originally posted by Klause View PostCant get rid of it... Averaged 11.5 on all our wheat last year. None of the exporters are interested because of other sources far cheaper.
Wish I had 14% like the past two years. Would make me very happy haha.
Also have a bunch of it contracted so can't sell it somewhere else... Contracts for Oct/Nov/Dec...
Southern MB, feedlot alley in AB or CHS would probably buy it for $5.50ish.
Originally posted by Klause View PostIf you can get it cleaned and it has good colour I know a market paying over $9 in your pocket for 14.5%
Originally posted by helmsdale View PostI'd imagine that's only for CWRS? Have a december contract for AC Pasteur CWSP at Paterson that is hopefully going to start moving next week... Will likely have 3 loads left over. protein of the stuff i'll keep back will exceed 14.5
On any given day i load my freight companies b double of it goes to my local elevators 15 to 28kms away depending which farm.
Tested graded at site wheat could go one of six grades depending on mostly protein but also grain weight etc.
Barley Simpler malt 1 malt2 malt3 or feed 1 feed2 or in years of low test weight or weed issues feed3
Canola 1 grade canola1
I can one take cash prices on the blackboard tell carrier take best price or pool the grain the old way which nobody does nowadays cash is king.
Two warehouse the grain leave it unsold and check phone texts for better prices not all buyers are on the blackboard.
Three still leave it in warehouse unsold and watch the market no cost for first 8 weeks covered by delivery fees and charges.
Four leave it in warehouse for longer and pay storage fees think 2.50 per month after first 8 weeks
Five disclose unsold tonnages and grades to buyers and let them chase you, it a option when warehousing. Some farmer prefer not to disclose buy buyer still know total tonnes of each unsold at silos but not individual holders of the grain.
Six put warehoused grain on electronic tender boards trades 24/7
So basically we can sell grain in many ways.
Elevator A B and C class sites
A is port site only farmer i think within 60km can deliver to port direct unless buyers call for direct deliveries.
B are strategic sites which take grain locally and from mother sites have rail access
C sites are up country no rail and once are full the grain is either shifted to a b class site and reopened when space is made or closed for harvest.
Our local elvator employs up to 150 people during harvest and i think 30 during off peak.
You guys havent got these pleasures find it hard to comprehend you can have grain on hand and no bids no offer.
Think the furtherest cart to port in south australia is around 400 maybe 450 kms. Myself if i go direct to port between 150 and 160 kms.
Starting to think it aint that bad here except shitty hot weather
PS all the silos were builty originally with farmers money a levy on every tonne produced not sure of start but would say in 70s some time. Was a farmer owned and controlled co-op until abb/vitterra/glencore took it over in that order must have been nearly 17 18 years ago now. Hindsight should have stayed in farmers hands
Have a lot of low pro wheat this year too. I’m keeping it in the bin till next crop year unless something crazy happens. Get a normal pro year in western Canada and the spreads will disappear.... my plan anyway. I realize not everyone can cashflow that, but if you can I think you will be money ahead. And yes 5.75 feed mill bids in southern mb compared to 5.35-40 ish for 12 pro 1 at line companies.
Originally posted by farmaholic View PostI think the "SS HYPE" is about to set sail....through a mine feild on a collision course with an iceberg.
It sure will be interesting to see how land prices are affected if interest rates gain another 1+ %.....level off, decrease or remain on steady increase??
(Heard some recent numbers for a sale of 10 quarters north of Moose if true.)
Originally posted by Stampsguy View PostJust a question. Posted earlier that 20% of grain went to Churhill. I thought it was closed now, and even the track was washed out.
So how much heads south.
Are we trying to push even more thru Vancouver.
Mallee. That haul to port position is enviable. Hell I'm more than that distance away from feed markets, let alone inland terminals worth dealing with. Closest elevator, (forgetting the largely useless one 50km away) is 175km, and it's small with only a 55 car spot. Nearest 110+ car spots are all 200km+ away.
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