Well we’ll well our guy just keeps most of the population wondering what stupid thing will he do next to top the last.
This weeks holiday to India that we all paid for should prove to most of the Canadian Population that this guy is just here for his own personal fun at our expense.
Ralph I would announce real soon your done before you get booted to the curve. Go out in style because this kid is done.
World media is laughing at his costumes and weird actions.
Plus WTF his wife isn’t our First Lady like an American system. Two nannies and her secretaries.
Every week it just gets better. Where is our pea deal. Oh it’s canadian Grain he doesn’t care.
Now to sask politics it seams the NDP candidate is worried they mailed they mail in ballots to late so most won’t get back in time to be counted. What happened to the once amazing run Sask NDP who knew how to get things done. This party needs to have a convention and do a big redo.
Moe is mad that railways are shipping oil again and provinces want no pipelines.
Where is leadership in Canada?
Oh yea in India on holidays at our expense.
90 plus above by Sunday down here. It’s extremely dry no rain like Saskatchewan. But hey it’s not a issue in Canada. Production in 2018 will be way down Canola will have issues from spring on. If a farm gets a rain it might look like a genius an three miles away poverty. But no mention on the news.
Funny standing in line or sitting in a park talking to Americans most seem to like Trump. They like the fact that he’s not a politician. But take his phone away. The gun rules to getting one are going to change to a system more like ours for access to buying one. Trump will start a change in gun rules yet Obama had a chance and did nothing. Another stupid rule down here is DR and shrinks can’t ask their clients if they like or own guns. Weird rule.
Funny story went to a liquor store to purchase a bottle for my 19 year old son to take home. Got to counter he looked at the jug and turned it to read. I pulled out my wallet to pay and the clerk asked to see my sons ID. We looked at her and she said again she needs his ID. I said why it’s my booze I’m paying for it he’s just walking by me. He left the store she said she wouldn’t sell it.
I left the jug and said thanks Walmart some rule.
Rules are rules I guess he touched the bottle that’s bad.
Common Sence is gone in this new world things are getting out of hand.
So let’s see what new things our PM will do this next week. Does he ever do things in Ottawa.