Arming teachers is beyond a bad idea. I don't know a teacher that couldn't be disarmed by one or more students and the gun then in students hands. Most teachers I have known had more mental issues than these deranged shooters, so a gun in their hands? No thanks. Shooting well, especially in a tactical situation is a perishable skill, one that requires training and constant practice.
Re guns, what is an assault rifle? I can tell most of you have no grasp of that. Yesterday's so called assault rifles are today's hunting /sporting weapons. It has always been this way sin flintlock times. This more evident than ever with the AR platforms. ARs are wonderful to shoot. They handle and acquire targets wonderfully. Tell me what is the difference between an AR and a semi auto Winchester, Browning, Remington, whatever hunting rifle besides adjustable stocks and pistol grips? No difference.
South of me in US, every farmhouse had an old lever action or Grandpa's Springfield or Garand from the war. Now they have daddy's AR from the war. Same up here but replace Springfield with Lee Enfield.
Just go to a gun show in Canada and be prepared for shock at the people you see. We have guns here, lots,of guns.
This prompts the question, why do these mass shootings not happen here? Why is this mostly an American phenomenon?
Banning guns like Liberal left wants isn't the answer, but arming teachers is a real bad idea.
Re guns, what is an assault rifle? I can tell most of you have no grasp of that. Yesterday's so called assault rifles are today's hunting /sporting weapons. It has always been this way sin flintlock times. This more evident than ever with the AR platforms. ARs are wonderful to shoot. They handle and acquire targets wonderfully. Tell me what is the difference between an AR and a semi auto Winchester, Browning, Remington, whatever hunting rifle besides adjustable stocks and pistol grips? No difference.
South of me in US, every farmhouse had an old lever action or Grandpa's Springfield or Garand from the war. Now they have daddy's AR from the war. Same up here but replace Springfield with Lee Enfield.
Just go to a gun show in Canada and be prepared for shock at the people you see. We have guns here, lots,of guns.
This prompts the question, why do these mass shootings not happen here? Why is this mostly an American phenomenon?
Banning guns like Liberal left wants isn't the answer, but arming teachers is a real bad idea.