1.3 billion dollars of accumulated farmers money is currently floating the sask government.
Just let that sink in.
Farmers that lost their whole livelihood last fall were told to use private insurance.
Down south where it was too dry for crops to germinate they were given their premiums back basically and told to take a hike
I wonder if everyone would be this quiet if the NDP was doing it.
This started about 10 years ago when Wall got in. Saw an opportunity and starting taking.
If shit hit the fan do you really think the sask goverent could afford to give that 1.3 billion back?
And why are we getting less interest than what the sask government pays on it's bonds.
Just let that sink in.
Farmers that lost their whole livelihood last fall were told to use private insurance.
Down south where it was too dry for crops to germinate they were given their premiums back basically and told to take a hike
I wonder if everyone would be this quiet if the NDP was doing it.
This started about 10 years ago when Wall got in. Saw an opportunity and starting taking.
If shit hit the fan do you really think the sask goverent could afford to give that 1.3 billion back?
And why are we getting less interest than what the sask government pays on it's bonds.