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Canadian $

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    Canadian $

    8 month low. Good for exports I guess

    Now if we could just get MGEX wheat chart bars to move green afew days.....


      Wrong time to buy down south just awful but if Trudeau wins again .62 will truly suck


        You missed the boat Sk3, you should have been buying USA property in 2010-11 when dollar was par and USA properties were down!

        So don't bother blaming someone else for your poor timing!!


          A 50 cent dollar and our canola and wheat might be where is suppose to be.


            Originally posted by Partners View Post
            A 50 cent dollar and our canola and wheat might be where is suppose to be.
            And for those of us without an addiction to shiny paint, that could be very profitable, so long as we buy inputs in advance and carry crops over to take advantage of the plunge. What will that do to land values? Other than make them more appealing in any other currency?


              Originally posted by farming101 View Post
              8 month low. Good for exports I guess
              I think paid experts on here were stating the US economy was in shambles and the cdn dollar would rise.


                I did I still have from 2009 but the wife likes this place so we’ll move. Happy wife happy life,


                  Vwalk those Trudeau die hards and NDP die hards wanted the USA to fail looks like it’s CAnada that’s in the tank


                    Let us assume that U.S. corporations will repatriate at least 25% of*their estimated US$2.6 trillion of offshore funds to take advantage of a one-off 14%*tax holiday. It will not matter if they are selling euros, yen, pounds, or yuan. Switching their funds from the offshore dollar funding markets to domestic*dollars will have a similar impact on the same trend that took place between 1980 and 1985 that drove the dollar to all-time record highs.

                    American corporations moving capital*sends a powerful impulse through global finance system. Despite the rise of China and the creation of the euro, the world has never been so “dollarized” as it is today. The euro is a complete failure for there is no single market with a centralize debt to compete with the dollar as an alternative. China is rising, but it is not ready for prime time. There is no alternative to the dollar. That is the real crisis in the world economy.

                    U.S. lending rates are critical to the world economy. The*Bank for International Settlements*(BIS) says offshore dollar funding has risen fivefold to US$10.7 trillion since the early 2000s, with a further US$14 trillion of global dollar debt hidden in derivatives. BIS research also confirms that the rise and fall of the dollar is the major cycle of dollar liquidity which is driving the world’s investment appetite and global asset prices. This liquidity spigot is clearly being turned off. The Fed is not only raising rates, it is also reversing bond purchases exactly*OPPOSITE*of the ECB which openly admits it will repurchase government debt as it expires because they know there are no buyers at these rates. The Fed is shrinking its balance sheet while the ECB is trapped and cannot dare take the same steps.

                    The BIS is warning that*China, Canada,*and Hong Kong all have the risk of banking failures that are greater than that of Europe.*Apple Inc. said it will bring hundreds of billions of overseas dollars back to the U.S., pay about*$38 billion*in taxes on the money and spend tens of billions on domestic jobs, manufacturing and data centers in the coming years. That is more than a quarter-trillion. The answer is*YES – ABSOLUTELY. US companies will bring back a substantial amount of that money and this will reduce deposits overseas and that will increase the risks of bank failures outside the USA, but probably more so in Asia than Europe.

                    We are dead we just don't know it yet. A month end close under .7305 and it's gonna get fugly again.


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