Has a helmet law, or a seat belt law, or driving under the influence law, really saved the life of anyone who goes out of the way to take unnecessary chances? And, isn't that what you are doing when you purchase street drugs?
I believe the smart person is going to figure it out, really, really quick, without the law, and the stupid person is going to have a difficult time surviving. Thank you, pharma, for the selection quote. It applies.
There can not be enough fentanyl deaths yet to pause the stupid people in our society. To that I say fentanyl strength needs to be raised to 100% effectiveness.
I believe the smart person is going to figure it out, really, really quick, without the law, and the stupid person is going to have a difficult time surviving. Thank you, pharma, for the selection quote. It applies.
There can not be enough fentanyl deaths yet to pause the stupid people in our society. To that I say fentanyl strength needs to be raised to 100% effectiveness.