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Just mean spirited or Are these actions of actual or Wannabe dictators

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    So one-off, where are the financials for 16 and 17? Your rm received a ton of money from disaster assistance over last few years. Did you guys get your money's worth for the millions spent.


      I just shake my head at all wast that's done off the ratepayers back and when any one complains you'll be labeled a trouble maker, i have a long list of WTF is going on around here I was on counsel for five years and a hell of a lot has changed since, we are pretty much a have not RM but the boys spend like the best of them I guess it all changes when the taxes stop coming in.


        But would a single one of those persons do anything other than vote for that same "friend", coffee row partner; neighbor or relative.

        The only evidence I've seen says "Not likely"

        Just as not one of those friends, coffee row partners, neighbors or relatives has come up with the weakest excuse for continuing to do what is being done. And its a rare person who doesn't remain silent on these matters.

        Count them up on one hand. And those rare persons are showing true leadership...not the fence sitter/community builder crowd who will one day wonder how this dark age escalated so quickly.


          Originally posted by RD414 View Post
          So one-off, where are the financials for 16 and 17? Your rm received a ton of money from disaster assistance over last few years. Did you guys get your money's worth for the millions spent.
          Let me put it this way. PDAP money is meant to replace actual losses to their condition before the disaster. No improvements envisioned and not even any thought to prevent a recurrence; especially if there is no mindset to looking into the future in a thoughtful and serious way. We aren't a have not RM by any means...and whilst we may have the most practice is sucking up to grants etc. please don't confuse that with good management. We do have taxes very substantially higher than the RM just across the road and adjoining quarters in that RM
          So long story short; "we" budget for breakeven or deficits. Just like the provincial gov't; the budget was for losses; even though as stated farmland taxes went up 68% last year. I'm sure we didn't do better than expected; and could do better with a different attitudes

          I'll give you a real example. Tenders were for 2 brand new road graders. Cat was chosen (I think) because Volvo was purchased by a Chinese company and the council members became convinced by the salesmen's pitch that resale value would be dismal; particularly in the future. Quotes were submitted on 3 different manufacturers; and separate quotes made on the basis of trade in of one old Volvo grader OR RM keep the trade in grader and pay $68,000 more in the case of the Cat grader. Decision was buy Cat and I have always fully agreed with the Cat salesmen who have always said "Cat equipment is more expensive than the others....and its worth every cent especially when resale value is considered".
          What council did not/does not and doesn't want to hear are the things that escapes their imagination. That Volvo G970 grader had no issues. It had 5000 hours on it; it was still on warranty and it was worth a lot more money to anyone. It went straight to its new owner (a few miles away); when purchased days later from the same Cat salesman for $76,000; and don't worry I reminded him what they had in it for trade in (You guessed it; that knowledge can from witnessing the tender openings.; and one of the new owners was .... you guessed it.

          Which brings up another point.....something that road builders don't do. When their tenders are opened; they might be present; but then the reeve thanks them for their attendance and "kicks" them out with a statement along line of "We'll get back to them the next day". Which leaves a sole ratepayer sitting in the gallery with no intention of being turfed... and council would very much preferred I leave. Had to tell them they didn't have that right to on simple money matters and I didn't have to move an inch.

          Now back to the grader trade in for a low balled $68,000 (I believe). I think the potential new Chinese Volvo quote was for $120,000 trade in value; but don't have proof this minute; other than what I remember. Shortly after I talked with a Regina Auction company who auctions anything and everything. Told him the tendering story and he says to me

          "Bring that machines up here and we'll' both make some money on it."

          Want to buy a JD 7530 for $74,900 . Same story RM machine ...few years old etc Probably just sold on Kijiji



            You might as well know one of the latest rules

            "Planting new trees, erecting new fences and putting up new bins must be set back a minimum of 46 meters from the center of the road"

            Well I only have old fence posts to work with and used bins will be involved so I'm going to do as I'm told.

            But watch for cross fencing even pastures that are enclosed with a fence inside your property line. Those pesky no man's land areas (I guess more appropriately called RM property whacking off 3 acres on each side of a road (per half mile)) are going to be problematic in joining them up to any old fence on land you mistakenly previously thought belonged to you along with what hasn't yet been requisitioned.


              What is expropriation?


                Also known as "eminent domain" in the USA; it should the very last blunt object used when all other avenues have be thoroughly exhausted. As you know; its like "ring a bell". When you think about it always seems to keep ringing.

                In this case the "fence edict" seems to have just been a reflex move that; if enforced is a predictable and practical nightmare.

                If not to be enforced (or selectively so); then it is another example of a law or policy) that should never extend beyond being a suggestion.


                  Originally posted by burnt View Post
                  What is expropriation?
                  if a govt . or RM can't agree on a deal. , land can be bought at fair market value from a landowner without his consent if it is for the greater good . Sask hiways done that on some land we have years ago . landowner wouldn't let them on so they expropriated the quarter(paid him more than market value) took the sand , then sold at a tender , which we were the winner


                    In the interest of showing that municipal policies have implications well beyond the municipal boundaries; I'll bring up some more discussion that occurred during a council meeting.

                    This should also prompt other quiet elected officials to join in this discussion; because it isn't just "my" municipal problem...its at least province wide wherever oilfield injection wells exist.

                    Some oil companies (and it will obviously be more as time goes on); have noted that their injection wells should not be assessed as currently is the practice; or that they should be exempted etc according to their opinion. As such they have gone through Courts of Revision AND LOST.

                    But as with everything; that is not the end of a complaint. There are appeal processes and they may STILL LOSE
                    However when the legal opinion on the municipal side has concluded that once this challenge reaches Court of Queen Bench and maybe another step after that; the court ruling may well be that oil companies are deternmined to be correct in their reasoning AND taxpayers through their RM Councils must pay back that which has been collected (AND GUESS WHAT.......probably spent) during those years of challenging. AND THEY WILL THEN BE EXONERATED AND DUE WHAT WAS INAPPROPRIATELY COLLECTED

                    Now all this was heard from the gallery; so how much is correct?. That where the other silent RM Council come in. Tell us all what is going on.

                    And then maybe someone could tell them what else they could do to make sure this isn't a future hardship for taxpayers.

                    SUCH AS: use Mill rate factor tools to add on reserves as a contingency in case this "injection well" controversy has merit. There's lots of room (up to 9 times effective mill rate for other tax assessment classes) such as commercial, agricultural and dare I say it Non-Resource Commercial. And that tactic has been proven by the courts to be a fair tactic.

                    A more creative way might just be to negotiate to have the industrial tax payers paying effectively all taxes required and in exchange lift all hauling tolls; road maintenance agreements; road building expected of industrial taxpayers At least see what the golden geese have to say about how they feel unappreciated; offended by shut downs and councils exceeding their mandates concerning oilfield development etc. etc.


                      Did it get mentioned that the pgeneral enalty bylaw was raised a bit to $25,000 max. per occurence and just to be fair to every business and corporation...the individual rate was made the same as the corporate rate.

                      Somebody could get nailed; but could be that could all depend on who makes "honest mistakes"; and who is determined to be exempted because there was no alternative.

                      Does anyone think that any ratepayer would agree with such onerous penalties; if they were asked before it was so easy to implement without any consultation.


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