What do the silent readers think of this newest decision from the adopted minutes of Feb 8/2018
13.2 SARM Health & Dental Plan Policy
Resolution No: 2018-0110 Shane Boyes
That we acknowledge the Policy change for 21) Council Benefits in the Policy Manual.
SARM Health & Dental Plan
SARM health and dental coverage is available to members of Council at the same level as employees. All Council members, as long as they are a member on Council or are appointed to a Municipal committee as per Committee and Appointments Policy, are members of the Group Medical and Dental, paid by the R.M. of Enniskillen through the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.
I enquired about the most recent Health and Dental policy and its premiums and understand its pretty comprehensive and significant;....like $33,000 for last premium. This new resolution apparentl extends those benefits (all now "free") to even a emember who could possibly not even show up to a single meeting.
It might even be the gold plated plan that council has chosen for the "same level as employees" and seems pretty generous for a pretty part time "volunteer". Further if its a family freebe then that would mean wife or significant others, children, dependents? (of course?) are all included and covered. Its all up to councillors who definitely give themselves this personal entitlement and as you know also choose who the committee members shall be. This significant health and dental Benefit Plan could well be a bigger cost than what the committee is worth; not to mention the actual payout benefit that is made when claims are made to the insurance plan for new drugs which may well be priced at $3000 (plus or minus) per month.
Can you say out of control; and no consultation with those who pay for these benefits. Why not give the rest of the ratepayers that which has been so easily given by the decision makers. Just kidding. That would be equally as stupid as what happened last month.
13.2 SARM Health & Dental Plan Policy
Resolution No: 2018-0110 Shane Boyes
That we acknowledge the Policy change for 21) Council Benefits in the Policy Manual.
SARM Health & Dental Plan
SARM health and dental coverage is available to members of Council at the same level as employees. All Council members, as long as they are a member on Council or are appointed to a Municipal committee as per Committee and Appointments Policy, are members of the Group Medical and Dental, paid by the R.M. of Enniskillen through the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities.
I enquired about the most recent Health and Dental policy and its premiums and understand its pretty comprehensive and significant;....like $33,000 for last premium. This new resolution apparentl extends those benefits (all now "free") to even a emember who could possibly not even show up to a single meeting.
It might even be the gold plated plan that council has chosen for the "same level as employees" and seems pretty generous for a pretty part time "volunteer". Further if its a family freebe then that would mean wife or significant others, children, dependents? (of course?) are all included and covered. Its all up to councillors who definitely give themselves this personal entitlement and as you know also choose who the committee members shall be. This significant health and dental Benefit Plan could well be a bigger cost than what the committee is worth; not to mention the actual payout benefit that is made when claims are made to the insurance plan for new drugs which may well be priced at $3000 (plus or minus) per month.
Can you say out of control; and no consultation with those who pay for these benefits. Why not give the rest of the ratepayers that which has been so easily given by the decision makers. Just kidding. That would be equally as stupid as what happened last month.