Hard to get a handle on how much land Ducks Unlimited owns in prairie provinces.
Has become an active land buyer in our area starting ten years or so back.
Have two of their water retention projects on our farm, date back two or three decades.
Also own land adjacent to ours, wildlife reserve land in areas as well.
Some concerns about increased salinity due to higher water table around projects, also attract beavers which are a curse.
Provincial compensation for wildlife damage is a help but seldom covers whole cost and is time consuming to track and report.
Urban residents and non farmers want us to save bush and wetlands and wildlife but may not appreciate costs to a farming operation.
Has become an active land buyer in our area starting ten years or so back.
Have two of their water retention projects on our farm, date back two or three decades.
Also own land adjacent to ours, wildlife reserve land in areas as well.
Some concerns about increased salinity due to higher water table around projects, also attract beavers which are a curse.
Provincial compensation for wildlife damage is a help but seldom covers whole cost and is time consuming to track and report.
Urban residents and non farmers want us to save bush and wetlands and wildlife but may not appreciate costs to a farming operation.