Well, every week I hope our Pm can get a good one going and not look like a total idiot. Well, he disappointed me again. Come on Trudeau its Easter I know in Muslim faith it's not a big deal but to us Christians it is. I'm a Catholic like you I'm not a good one but still a Catholic. This is a big diverse country its English mostly then French than whatever. Your language debate is just a way to stir the pot.
You minister calling the Conservative a Neanderthal an embarrassment coming from a Gov. who is all about women's rights fire the prick.
Then this David Hogg in Florida. The little bugger was on the news yapping the second after it happened and I wondered he is different than any other grade 12. But not in a good way the next day he is on news again then again then again. Think real hard these kids held a march in Washington one of the largest ever that takes huge money. Its a follow the money thing more than a gun thing. His five minutes are up in thinking he can't even get into a good California school come fall. Really must be special. He's a pawn.
Ok, part of my family came from Germany and still has land back there. I know the history and its sad most in Canada don't. Don't repeat its awful what happened.
Snow snow snow Cold snow rain cold cold. Welcome home sunny Florida was way better.
This is my kind of white ground.
Sask Crop insurance changes date is coming up are others changing coverage going up or dropping. We looked at the peas and barley addition for malt and edible but no pea prices are available and Malt contract has no price its an open contract. So only change maybe going back to 80% coverage. Oh, their end of March date is Monday, April 2.
Speaking about insurance were still deciding if we're keeping Ag stab or dropping. Now some of the other private insurances are having problems paying I am hearing from different farmers in my circle. Lots of promises and plans and ideas but when it comes time to cough up a payment min. or nothing at all.
Also, some of you challenge me on my ideas on whats happening in Rural Canada sometimes. Well, a heads up the bank's arent all rosy rosy to farmers. Also hearing some rumblings that maybe some really big super farmers that we all think are BTOs are in a bit of a bind. Get bigger or your done. One more year to get the slate cleaned up or you're done. Just saying the shiny yard isn't always as it seems. Lots of Debt in Rural Canada. LOTS.
My arch Canadian Enemy the Canada Goose is back. Seen one yesterday all alone on a big sough looking confused. But its Canada I didn't have a gun under the seat or he really would of wondered WTF.
Sask is going to go to a head-on match with the Idiot from Ottawa. WIll they push as much on us before the Ontario election or Alberta election? I'm thinking yes but experts say we can win. Its nice in Canada to see a Province stand up to a Idiot and say this shit your doing is doing nothing for the Environment and making lives awful for business and canadaians. Go, Moe.
Oh the NDP are a digging and digging and well oh look Moe went Belly but during one of the worst times in Ag. Ha how many on here remember that time most almost went broke. Move on.
Why not dig into the things going on with the NDP. Their no Angels.
But that's politics sort of like the USA and the media a Porn star before the Guy became president is big news. What he and his wife do is their problem, not the public. A gov doesn't go down because a guy screwed a porn star before he became President. Clinton screwed an intern in the oval office that was news but not a peep.
So let's all realize what this weekend is all about. It's Easter a time of reflection maybe church and Family. Yes, this piss poor catholic might go.