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Housing price Crash

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    Very good post hobby....

    ..."a floor over his head".

    You, are priceless!

    Edit: a redo

    The metaphoric irony is the floor is a ceiling he himself has placed over his potential(head).
    Last edited by farmaholic; Apr 7, 2018, 21:16.


      Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
      Very good post hobby....

      ..."a floor over his head".

      You, are priceless!

      Edit: a redo

      The metaphoric irony is the floor is a ceiling he himself has placed over his potential(head).
      Thank you. I am glad you caught that.
      Truth is stranger than fiction.


        you guys are deep, lol!
        unfortunately most of us are all a little guilty of wanting a better life for our kids
        I never got any help from anyone , ever . it was a tough road and pretty scary at times . kids turned out good and am thankful for that ! sure don't want them to have it as hard . but they need that , I guess ?
        grandkids seem to be on the right track also
        Last edited by Guest; Apr 8, 2018, 08:37.


          So many middle age men broad-stroking negatively about young people and urban dwellers. Busy pointing fingers while sitting on the farm that was started by generation before you. I don't need to name names but many of you have mentioned it yourselves.

          I personally know many young people making very good decisions regarding purchasing first time homes and farm land within their means without the help of parents.

          If a stranger were to come on Agriville they would come to the conclusion that posters on here are the only ones who know how to run personal finances.


            F#$K Forage you're so full of shit it's not even funny.

            BLAH BLAH BLAH yep it was all our great grandfathers did.

            BLAH BLAH BLAH.

            REality is most in cities want to start out at the top, not starter homes fix and flip and work their way up.

            No its right to the top.

            Hell, I live in a neighbourhood that has this close to us. New homes going to beginning couples.

            Some are on track but usually its i want to be like the neighbours.

            Similar to farmers they always think the guy who has big bins and new equipment and all the toys is the number one guy in an area.


              Some people started with nothing and some took over an existing farm and either maintained it, grew it or lost it.

              Many different outcomes.

              I will refer back to hobbies opening line;

              "Its getting so weird. When did everybody lose the desire to work so they could advance themselves over time? "

              And no, it's not all of them.


                No every one of the new owner's arent trying to keep up with the jones but the funny part is a lot want it all and have no clue except cheap interest rates and time.

                When your 26 its easy to take a 35-year mortgage on the castle. But later in life that changes as your years go by fast.

                Hell, I have maybe 30 to 45 years left if I do have the gene. If not it's over in a few years.

                If we knew the date time and place it would be so easy. But we don't. Maybe that's a good thing.

                I just see a home in Regina Calgary Vancouver or Toronto and compare that to a home in Kansas City Phoenix Miami or even Minot and we are out of touch lunch or whatever other word you want to use.

                that's a fact Jack.


                  Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                  Some people started with nothing and some took over an existing farm and either maintained it, grew it or lost it.

                  Many different outcomes.

                  I will refer back to hobbies opening line;

                  "Its getting so weird. When did everybody lose the desire to work so they could advance themselves over time? "

                  And no, it's not all of them.
                  it's real simple ; someone posted it on here a while ago .
                  hard times make strong men
                  strong men make good times
                  good times make weak men
                  weak men make hard times

                  we are at the third cycle , this has been repeated over and over since the beginning of time


                    Funny story.

                    I ended up back working - HDD drilling - putting in pipes conduit water lines whatever.

                    Small but very respected company from Edmonton.

                    Got the job through a buddy I worked with a long time ago.

                    Started as a roughneck... 3 weeks later drilling /crew boss.

                    Mind you... I've been in the patch for 7ish years before...

                    Two guys I work with just hate my guts. They've been there almost a year still ruffnecking and will be for a long time. No common sense. No work ethic and either an unwillingness or no capacity to learn... Both 20-21.

                    Can't change a hydraulic hose. Can't figure out how to mix mud after being shown a dozen times. They'll throw pails and bags out of the mix van and then trip over them all day till you tell them to move the garbage.

                    No thinking ahead or being ready for the next step in advance.

                    I just don't get it.

                    Yet they are ticked a guy with a background, mechanical ability, work ethic, and a class 1 gets promoted ahead of them... "It's not fair".

                    Then you have students at Edwards school of business going it's ok for a company to loose money every year as long as it isn't too much.


                    I agree. Good times bred weak men. And they are going to make hard times shortly.


                      Klause, there aren’t very many cut from the same cloth that you came from. Wish you the best, for sure!


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