It’s all part of ,and admitted by head UN officials .... it’s a wealth distribution plan first and foremost - on record saying so .
Chuck I just want to say , *** you .
You a self proclaimed farmer , do you actually understand the implications of Agenda 2030 to your future farm ? Or are you selling out and gone ? How about cutting your current income in half or less , or you kids living on 1/3 of what you are currently ? Do you think that’s sustainable for them ? Under this current direction , that exactly where they will be . But also , then giving your or your kids land away to “others “ as part of the wealth distribution plan before your kids even have a chance. It’s 100% in that agenda 2030.
That is what this whole climate scare , discrimination and inclusion horseshit is about , and admitted .. openly by the UN.
This is the plan , they have said it, in public , this is what they will do if we are stupid enough to fall for this b/S .
The amount of paid off corrupt enviro scientists that sheeple believe is staggering now .
BTW , most of us on here are not “assholes†as you called us , we are not climate change “deniersâ€, we are simply climate change critics of the absolute b/S extremism from the likes of you and the paid off “science “ experts. It is insane the b/S that is coming from the drivel you post . Humans do have an impact , that we all agree , it’s the extreme climate events blamed and going to be paid for by us that is horseshit while the very people polluting the earth horribly get off scot free , that is the issue that most of us here see through. The Greenland ice sheet will not disappear in thousands of years or 100% of the arctic ice . Those believing so are have been hypnotized. The ocean levels will not raise 10 feet in our lifetime or any of your grandchildren’s lifetime . Simple fact , why do the central banks and long term investors still dump billions of 20-40 year mortgages into ocean front properties for condos , hotels and on and on ????? Because they know this whole global warming and ocean level rising 10 ft is absolutely horseshit . They would never put their money at risk if that was the case .... ever.
The UN agenda 2030 will crush any average Joe who owns land that is not a in the extreme wealthy club . The elite will maintain 100% of their wealth while jetsetting around the globe , burning massive amounts of carbon telling us and our children how to correct our evil lives .. are you fukin kidding me ! While maintaining 3-4 mansions and a few cheap foreign workers to scrub their toilets to live like kings and queens. No different than 200-300 years ago . We are falling into the same trap ... it’s all our fault and we must pay . How’d that go back then ? Oh ya , our ancestors, including yours got the hell out of Europe for that reason .
That’s from everyone one here that has any common sense whatsoever.
Again the “carbon tax “ is a complete scam the rob the “wealthy†middle class to pay for the guilt of the massive pollution of this earth that the very elite class has profited from for the last 100 years . It’s called passing the guilt to the “gullible “. And by any means possible they are trying to accomplish that.
It is simply sickening to witness.
The majority of farmers in Western Canada are already miles ahead of most countries in conservative environmental practices . How many other countries are using teir 4 B engines ???? Very fukin few ... that’s a fact . How many others are using zero or min tillage ?? Very fukin few .. that’s a fact . Yet we are set to be punished far worse that others .... that’s a fact .
Chuck I just want to say , *** you .
You a self proclaimed farmer , do you actually understand the implications of Agenda 2030 to your future farm ? Or are you selling out and gone ? How about cutting your current income in half or less , or you kids living on 1/3 of what you are currently ? Do you think that’s sustainable for them ? Under this current direction , that exactly where they will be . But also , then giving your or your kids land away to “others “ as part of the wealth distribution plan before your kids even have a chance. It’s 100% in that agenda 2030.
That is what this whole climate scare , discrimination and inclusion horseshit is about , and admitted .. openly by the UN.
This is the plan , they have said it, in public , this is what they will do if we are stupid enough to fall for this b/S .
The amount of paid off corrupt enviro scientists that sheeple believe is staggering now .
BTW , most of us on here are not “assholes†as you called us , we are not climate change “deniersâ€, we are simply climate change critics of the absolute b/S extremism from the likes of you and the paid off “science “ experts. It is insane the b/S that is coming from the drivel you post . Humans do have an impact , that we all agree , it’s the extreme climate events blamed and going to be paid for by us that is horseshit while the very people polluting the earth horribly get off scot free , that is the issue that most of us here see through. The Greenland ice sheet will not disappear in thousands of years or 100% of the arctic ice . Those believing so are have been hypnotized. The ocean levels will not raise 10 feet in our lifetime or any of your grandchildren’s lifetime . Simple fact , why do the central banks and long term investors still dump billions of 20-40 year mortgages into ocean front properties for condos , hotels and on and on ????? Because they know this whole global warming and ocean level rising 10 ft is absolutely horseshit . They would never put their money at risk if that was the case .... ever.
The UN agenda 2030 will crush any average Joe who owns land that is not a in the extreme wealthy club . The elite will maintain 100% of their wealth while jetsetting around the globe , burning massive amounts of carbon telling us and our children how to correct our evil lives .. are you fukin kidding me ! While maintaining 3-4 mansions and a few cheap foreign workers to scrub their toilets to live like kings and queens. No different than 200-300 years ago . We are falling into the same trap ... it’s all our fault and we must pay . How’d that go back then ? Oh ya , our ancestors, including yours got the hell out of Europe for that reason .
That’s from everyone one here that has any common sense whatsoever.
Again the “carbon tax “ is a complete scam the rob the “wealthy†middle class to pay for the guilt of the massive pollution of this earth that the very elite class has profited from for the last 100 years . It’s called passing the guilt to the “gullible “. And by any means possible they are trying to accomplish that.
It is simply sickening to witness.
The majority of farmers in Western Canada are already miles ahead of most countries in conservative environmental practices . How many other countries are using teir 4 B engines ???? Very fukin few ... that’s a fact . How many others are using zero or min tillage ?? Very fukin few .. that’s a fact . Yet we are set to be punished far worse that others .... that’s a fact .