"do you live in the east ? "
Yes, east of you next door(MB). Never said Trudeau is good, but please tell me what was good about Closet Boy (150 BILLION extra debt) and what the hell did he and Ritz Cracker do for AG? What was left of Ag programs after they left? Please don't reply with getting rid of the CWB, any idiot in power could have done that as we all can see, with no follow up plan.
This Smiling Harpo 2.0 version has nothing to offer, and at 38 years old knows jack shit about business, or do you see something else that I don't, other than you having always voted Conservative.
I've always said Paul Martin who actually knew something about business was making great head way with the national debt. A staunch Conservative such as yourself would appreciate that, but missed it in Jan 2006 when you voted for Harpo.
"do you live in the east ? "
Yes, east of you next door(MB). Never said Trudeau is good, but please tell me what was good about Closet Boy (150 BILLION extra debt) and what the hell did he and Ritz Cracker do for AG? What was left of Ag programs after they left? Please don't reply with getting rid of the CWB, any idiot in power could have done that as we all can see, with no follow up plan.
This Smiling Harpo 2.0 version has nothing to offer, and at 38 years old knows jack shit about business, or do you see something else that I don't, other than you having always voted Conservative.
I've always said Paul Martin who actually knew something about business was making great head way with the national debt. A staunch Conservative such as yourself would appreciate that, but missed it in Jan 2006 when you voted for Harpo.