Well another week is gone and the weather is starting to change a bit, the birds are chirping at 4:34 AM and after a month of Video surveillance at my home in the city only a Cat at 1:35 AM and my Leader post lady at 5:15.
Sad time for the City of Toronto, IDiot with real problems take a van (which should be banned because it's the weapon of choice for Terrorists) and runs down and kills 10 innocent people and 16 more are injured. Our fabulous leader says it's not terrorist activities just a people kind person with issues. WTF start being a leader you wanted to bring in more and more and more people who are from an area of the world that does things way different than here. Life means nothing to them. We can be a diverse country but the time for border crossers and this open door policy of Canada come one and all has got to stop.
Your useless carbon tax that more and more scientists are showing is a total crock of shit has to stop.
Your paying protestors to protest a pipeline that you said would be built, Import millions of barrels of Saudi oil. then travel halfway around the world and tell them we need to wean off oil.
WTF are you some special kind of stupid.
Go green all you want if it makes sense people will change it if doesn't it will die like any out of touch dream fantasy thing. When we the people are done with oil and approve of the new green revolution oil will die.
So my question to every single Liberal out there wouldn't it be good to ship our oil out get paid piss pots of money for it and then collect taxes to help pay for useless green programs.
Real simple but some just don't get it.
Ralph again please cross over to the right side and take a bow and call it a carrier. You look like a fool and the people of Wascana are sick of it.
Enough about stupid politicians.

Scott our premier is taking on the feds with the Carbon tax in court. Good, someone in this country needs to stand up and say this is bullshit.
Oh on gas BC you deserve 5 bucks a litre till you wake the F#$K up and tell your two idiots in charge this shit doesn't work.

Ontario is going to fall as a Liberal stronghold and inroads are being made in Quebec, More border crossers and locals are finally sick of the shit for brains in Ottawa.
Trump and France are way too friendly Hm is all I can say for now. Maybe their dividing up Canada Quebec will be France and Manitoba Sask and Alberta will be USA and BC will be a Shit hole.
Ok, now the Friday crop report.
Our last snow is slowly disappearing and drills might make it to the yard today. Might. Burrow pit is full of water from spring runoff and dugout in the yard that feeds our spring fed well is full also. Frost was about 5 ft down as of Monday someone dug a grave and that's the level.
Rent in our area is going up 7% but the new Geniuses from out of province and some out of country think 70 is a decent rent per quarter even on tree land and sloughs. Real kind of special. Also seeding directly into land that was just cleared of bush last month and hope to get a crop i wish you luck your going to need it.
Pig shit arrived yesterday and we are now allocated every second year. You pay for the application cost but the nutrients you get out of it are just unbelievable. Good on some for up to two years of crops.

My friends the geese are back but most of these are snow so north they go. Canadas need a spring season soon real soon.

The ground is still way to cold to think about seeding but a few warm days can make a big difference. Rain helped snow go a few days ago.
South of valley one farm I know will be starting, I'm thinking Saturday. But it is way-way dryer south of valley and also 30 miles West of us the sloughs are gone runoff is done and it looks like spring. Rain could be used. Our creeks are still running but as far as slough to slough or any little creek it's done. Water is down from the high of 2010 but way more sitting than I would like.
Seed costs and seed class and seed bullshit. Look at your last year's tax return and tell me seed isn't one of your largest expenses for what same shit we grew 100 years ago. we just fert. and fungicide to help it grow better. Also look who sits on the seed boards advising the gov it sure isn't smart farmers.
Oh and certified seed shop around one new wheat variety we found to be $3.00 a bushel cheaper in another area compared to ours. Just saying shopping around pays.
Drew says we should be ok for may and June but then the taps could turn off. So a dry July is that just a typical Saskatchewan summer.
Earth day I turned all the lights on and wasted as much energy as possible because no one can tell me how paying money in a Carbon tax is going to help the environment. But when i am direct seeding into standing stubble and driving 5.5 mph and the throttle is at 1800 and only one pass over applying Fert. at the recommended rates. That is protecting the environment yet were given no credit.
Real special place we live in this country we once proudly called Canada.
Have a great week be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than this crop.
Sad time for the City of Toronto, IDiot with real problems take a van (which should be banned because it's the weapon of choice for Terrorists) and runs down and kills 10 innocent people and 16 more are injured. Our fabulous leader says it's not terrorist activities just a people kind person with issues. WTF start being a leader you wanted to bring in more and more and more people who are from an area of the world that does things way different than here. Life means nothing to them. We can be a diverse country but the time for border crossers and this open door policy of Canada come one and all has got to stop.
Your useless carbon tax that more and more scientists are showing is a total crock of shit has to stop.
Your paying protestors to protest a pipeline that you said would be built, Import millions of barrels of Saudi oil. then travel halfway around the world and tell them we need to wean off oil.
WTF are you some special kind of stupid.
Go green all you want if it makes sense people will change it if doesn't it will die like any out of touch dream fantasy thing. When we the people are done with oil and approve of the new green revolution oil will die.
So my question to every single Liberal out there wouldn't it be good to ship our oil out get paid piss pots of money for it and then collect taxes to help pay for useless green programs.
Real simple but some just don't get it.
Ralph again please cross over to the right side and take a bow and call it a carrier. You look like a fool and the people of Wascana are sick of it.
Enough about stupid politicians.
Scott our premier is taking on the feds with the Carbon tax in court. Good, someone in this country needs to stand up and say this is bullshit.
Oh on gas BC you deserve 5 bucks a litre till you wake the F#$K up and tell your two idiots in charge this shit doesn't work.
Ontario is going to fall as a Liberal stronghold and inroads are being made in Quebec, More border crossers and locals are finally sick of the shit for brains in Ottawa.
Trump and France are way too friendly Hm is all I can say for now. Maybe their dividing up Canada Quebec will be France and Manitoba Sask and Alberta will be USA and BC will be a Shit hole.
Ok, now the Friday crop report.
Our last snow is slowly disappearing and drills might make it to the yard today. Might. Burrow pit is full of water from spring runoff and dugout in the yard that feeds our spring fed well is full also. Frost was about 5 ft down as of Monday someone dug a grave and that's the level.
Rent in our area is going up 7% but the new Geniuses from out of province and some out of country think 70 is a decent rent per quarter even on tree land and sloughs. Real kind of special. Also seeding directly into land that was just cleared of bush last month and hope to get a crop i wish you luck your going to need it.
Pig shit arrived yesterday and we are now allocated every second year. You pay for the application cost but the nutrients you get out of it are just unbelievable. Good on some for up to two years of crops.
My friends the geese are back but most of these are snow so north they go. Canadas need a spring season soon real soon.
The ground is still way to cold to think about seeding but a few warm days can make a big difference. Rain helped snow go a few days ago.
South of valley one farm I know will be starting, I'm thinking Saturday. But it is way-way dryer south of valley and also 30 miles West of us the sloughs are gone runoff is done and it looks like spring. Rain could be used. Our creeks are still running but as far as slough to slough or any little creek it's done. Water is down from the high of 2010 but way more sitting than I would like.
Seed costs and seed class and seed bullshit. Look at your last year's tax return and tell me seed isn't one of your largest expenses for what same shit we grew 100 years ago. we just fert. and fungicide to help it grow better. Also look who sits on the seed boards advising the gov it sure isn't smart farmers.
Oh and certified seed shop around one new wheat variety we found to be $3.00 a bushel cheaper in another area compared to ours. Just saying shopping around pays.
Drew says we should be ok for may and June but then the taps could turn off. So a dry July is that just a typical Saskatchewan summer.
Earth day I turned all the lights on and wasted as much energy as possible because no one can tell me how paying money in a Carbon tax is going to help the environment. But when i am direct seeding into standing stubble and driving 5.5 mph and the throttle is at 1800 and only one pass over applying Fert. at the recommended rates. That is protecting the environment yet were given no credit.
Real special place we live in this country we once proudly called Canada.
Have a great week be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than this crop.