Sask is correct to a degree with feed going for malt once it get to destination.
We tried to unsuccessfully to export 5000t to a chinese brewery with help of china/australia association or something like that, one we couldnt get the 50 farmers involved we wanted.
But two the spec were so tight high test weight and actually higher than normal protien and had to be certain varieties so was all to hard, but this was a top end almost botique chinese brewery to a degree.
And the topic of feed used for malt came up and they said yep mused to be the case but chinese drinkers now becoming more discerning and have more disposable income. The interpreted said they dont drink shit beer anymore.
But being cynical the beer they were producing was aimed at middle upper class chinese so they would have to say that.
Im freinds with a buyer for a brewery here and they are fussy as, but it the diastatic power i think its called basically how much malt is extracted per tonne. Aussie and canadians were once seen as kings of malt barley along with sweden but now appear EU/Scandanavia produce best beer for malt.
We have a raft of eu barley types coming into oz one is called "planet" i beleive its grown worl wide may not suit your short seasons
We tried to unsuccessfully to export 5000t to a chinese brewery with help of china/australia association or something like that, one we couldnt get the 50 farmers involved we wanted.
But two the spec were so tight high test weight and actually higher than normal protien and had to be certain varieties so was all to hard, but this was a top end almost botique chinese brewery to a degree.
And the topic of feed used for malt came up and they said yep mused to be the case but chinese drinkers now becoming more discerning and have more disposable income. The interpreted said they dont drink shit beer anymore.
But being cynical the beer they were producing was aimed at middle upper class chinese so they would have to say that.
Im freinds with a buyer for a brewery here and they are fussy as, but it the diastatic power i think its called basically how much malt is extracted per tonne. Aussie and canadians were once seen as kings of malt barley along with sweden but now appear EU/Scandanavia produce best beer for malt.
We have a raft of eu barley types coming into oz one is called "planet" i beleive its grown worl wide may not suit your short seasons