Let's go seeding, Not so fast we still have frost in the ground not that far down and its a little chilly yet for even peas north of the valley.
Rains are interesting as well anything from Edmonton to us get to the valley and turn east they don't cross. Any rains from the south just across the valley and then move NE So far we have hit a shower each time. South of the valley is way drier and a few guys are seeding two to be exact that I know of. One is always first out of the gate even if snow is on the ground second has lots of acres and it's way dryer so seed and hope for rain.
The yard is starting to get spongy so things are starting to warm up and it looks like most will have a start day of the 7th of May. Just saying I called it a long time ago and I still believe it will be the main start day for seeding north of the valley.
So it's an easy report most are still fixing with the odd guy seeding and all hell will break out next week. Some companies are playing with inoculant and it's in short supply. Some guys are dropping their price on Certified Wheat seed so shop around on one variety we are looking at a difference of 3 dollars a bushel. Shop around.
Ah, the lawsuit of the century.
ok, maybe not but Tony and company are taking on Input Capital in a class action.
Biggest positive out of this class action is maybe farmers will realize the ultimate game plan is your land and the way its set up farmers cant win. Those on the west side that signed and are using long-term what he thinks you can grow will be wiped out like the above farmer if normal yields come back to play.
Wake up call for farmers free pails at farm shows has a catch.
Ok, Brad got a good job with a Calgary/Toronto law firm. Big deal move on people it happens Roy got to go teach NDP logic at the UofS, Hell even nut case in Alberta will get some sort of a job after politics, the only one is Wayne in Ontario might just be able to ask do you want Frys with that.
Diesel is way out of hand and will be one of our biggest expenses again this year. We have to oil it's landlocked so the companies to survive gouge at the pumps to make up for the loss of oil coming out of the ground. They always get their pound of flesh but the reality is Trudeau's carbon tax is screwing people a lot also.
Wake up Canada we are becoming a third world shit hole.
Now for Fed Politics, this open door policy of just cross the border is F#$King insane. Nothing else to say total insanity. People are not fleeing a bad country like the USA it's not Venezuela or Korea and you want out or die.
The federal budget is just a little out again and up another what 8 billion.
Investment is leaving Canada at an alarming rate wonder why.
Debt levels of Canadians are rising. Yea uses debt to buy things to make it seem the economy is moving forward. No were going backwards and fast.
Stats Canada I will give you an A finally for your last report I think ist close to what will happen as seeding starts.
Parts WTF just picked up Count them three Tips for the second drill and total cost was 50 Bushels of #1 HRS let that soak in. Three tips not Boots or assembly but three tips and I need 50 bushels just to pay for them. Yea was not getting screwed one bit.
Oh, the second Bitch is read your warranty or extended warranty because I have one HAlf a million dollar paperweight sitting in the Yard. Thanks, Deere seems the Computer that is needed to run the tractor and control the tractor and send Mother Corp all your information Froze up. They never saw it before but it happened. You cant reboot because its hard wired in so you try and try different shit that costs over and over and over. Yea its still sitting the big paperweight and I know one thing it's going to cost me about half what the payment is to fix a two-year-old tractor. I know why my Dad always called machinery Junk because you pay a fortune for it use it a bit and then its thrown away.
So to wrap things up May 7th is a go day for full-bore seeding, Prices of everything we touch is out of this world but keep paying Mr farmer we need to live. Trees have no Leaves yet and no frogs croaking but a few buds did start to come out. Rain is hit and miss with lots of miss. The ground is cold sloughs are starting to drop and the dreaded Goose is back. We need two seasons.
Jackfish in Little and Big Quill wow who knew just about everyone.
Here is hoping our leader in Ottawa won't screw up this week I'm Pulling for you, Justin.
Don't burn unless you have to. The idiot that was lighting fires along the highway to Balgonie at every half mile in the ditch needs to go to jail. Thank god no wind.
Be safe, have fun and try not to think about how much money this crop is going to cost you this year.