Well, let the silly season begin. Every year is interesting and 2018 is starting out the same. Wind and cold and wind and hot and then Calm no wind but nice to downright cold. Now we are sitting on Ok soil moisture and sloughs are going down daily but south of Valley big cracks in the land. South of town is also way dryer.
Storms form look awesome on radar and get to us and fizzle out shortly afterwards. Or look so good and when they get to us they disappear. The 1930s my Dad said this is how it was. Let's hope not. So far the main ones come start in Edmonton and get to us just like the old days and if one comes from the south it might cross the valley or not.
Seeding is at 7% Complete as of this morning, had a rough start like always nothing goes the way you plan. Hell even got stuck once already, yes stuck but went into an area not seeded in a while made first pass around then tried second and that was all she wrote.
It seems the longer I do this game the more tired of it I get. You work like a fool to get the crop in, You work like a fool all summer to babysit it, then hopefully mother nature doesn't decide to be a real bitch and give you moisture or not or she decides to take it in July with a hail storm or August with a frost, and then maybe the rain gods will stay away in fall so a nice harvest can be had. Lots of ifs there isn't there.
Its a lot easier to sit behind a desk tell the stupid farmer what he needs to seed or spray or buy and go home at night and relax.
Why do we do it is the Billion Dollar question. We all start out positive and ready to take on the world. With a little luck, you can do ok with bad luck your F#$Ked from the start.
Is it the adventure to risk it all on 6 in of black dirt and 5 in of rain. It sure isn't to get rich quick.
Is it a love of the land, or the smell of the dirt or watching how the plants grow from spring till fall.
Hell or is it just plain Insanity.
But here we go again.
2018 will be a tough one if the rain gods don't show up soon and give most of western Canada a drink. Manitoba and parts of Sask are dry. The weather will be the story in 2018.
So far most in our area are starting or full bore seeding. Moisture conditions are ok to good on most farms in our area. No one is really working anything. Seed roll and leave.
Those in the industry that think it will be wall to wall Canola good luck with that if no moisture continues for another month we even will wonder why the hell we spent so much money sticking the overpriced shit in the ground.
Fire is the other issue, WTF why would anyone burn yesterday you have to be a really special person. North wind and let's see what happens.
So be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop.
I bet its a #3 hrs wheat grade already.
Oh, as far as shit for brains down east he didn't let us down again he is in full bore open the borders give the illegals all they want and put people who actually want to come here back in the line. Real special and this time its a bunch of Nigerians. Boy, that's a nice country to invite people to cross the border. This border issue will bite us in the ass but here is my theroy. The liberals are always trying to be the champion of the Middle class and poor. They take NDP votes away and gain power going up the middle the rest of us just want to work pay a few taxes and let us be. So the Liberals realized that the Poor vote isnt working for them and the Native vote sooner or later they will wake up and realize all the liberals do is talk and talk and cry and do nothing. So this time the Liberals are brinnging in hundreds of thousands and putting them in ridings they know they can now win. Most time its hard to get the poor to vote and bribe the Native population. But a freeloader who crosses the border and gets room and board and a living allowance. Hell Voter for life.
What are others seeing in their area and what percentage seeding are you at.