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From the WSJ, Climate Change Has Run Its Course

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    From the WSJ, Climate Change Has Run Its Course

    It's a short read,

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/climate-change-has-run-its-course-1528152876 https://www.wsj.com/articles/climate-change-has-run-its-course-1528152876

    Some excerpts,

    A good indicator of why climate change as an issue is over can be found early in the text of the Paris Agreement. The “nonbinding” pact declares that climate action must include concern for “gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity” as well as “the importance for some of the concept of ‘climate justice.’ ”

    The descent of climate change into the abyss of social-justice identity politics represents the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out.

    A case in point is climate campaigners’ push for clean energy, whereas they write off nuclear power because it doesn’t fit their green utopian vision.

    Scientists who are genuinely worried about the potential for catastrophic climate change ought to be the most outraged at how the left politicized the issue and how the international policy community narrowed the range of acceptable responses.

    chucky et al, y'all gonna be buyin those expensive solar panals from China? windmills for your farms?? expensive electric cars/pickups??? Just wondering, because by 2020 a Canadian Carbon Tax will be ancient history !

    Can anyone put into perspective the amount of pollution those two erupting volcanoes have put into the atmosphere?


      Originally posted by bucket View Post
      Can anyone put into perspective the amount of pollution those two erupting volcanoes have put into the atmosphere?
      I cannot quantify the eruption pollution but I have saying the same thing. I keep waiting for Trudeau to sue the hell out of the USA and Guatemala for these eruptions.


        on the contrary, trudeau will probably send billions of dollars to Guatemala to help them fight climate change.


          If you think the carbon tax will be gone by 2020 you are on glue my friend! Once the feds implement a plan
          very seldom do they go away . They just smooth them over with some political hide and seek ,and viola! another hidden expense to Canadians.


            The carbon tax ended In Australia and will end in canada at midnight next fall after Trudeau is sent packing.


              Hope/pray/wish Ontario and Alberta join Sk to fight the A holes.


                Originally posted by bucket View Post
                Can anyone put into perspective the amount of pollution those two erupting volcanoes have put into the atmosphere?
                It's generally quoted that volcanos annually emit about 1% of what humans do by burning fossil fuels alone.

                Hate to get your hopes up but this is just an article written by another climate change denier - it isn't based on any scientific breakthrough that proves that climate change has run it's course.


                  Originally posted by bucket View Post
                  Can anyone put into perspective the amount of pollution those two erupting volcanoes have put into the atmosphere?
                  First you need to define pollution. Do you mean harmful particulate emissions which negatively affect plant and animal life, block the sun and can harm machines? Or do you mean the beneficial CO2 which has been incorrectly called a pollutant by some misguided political types?


                    Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                    First you need to define pollution. Do you mean harmful particulate emissions which negatively affect plant and animal life, block the sun and can harm machines? Or do you mean the beneficial CO2 which has been incorrectly called a pollutant by some misguided political types?
                    THAT is the BIG LIE, CO2 the very necessary plant growing gas that allows us and ALL animal life to be exist d all over the earth is pollution..climate Barbie. The volcanic ash and gases KILL all plants, but oh no man is killing himself 100 time more with the "needed gas"....horse shit all of it!
                    Should have CARBON TAXED Guatemala to prevent the volcanic eruption! Certainly enough of these pop their corks and climate will change....FOR THE COLDER! We will grow SFA
                    Last edited by fjlip; Jun 5, 2018, 14:45.


                      The world did not sign on to stop emitting 100% of human CO2 production, otherwise all of mankind would be dead. Volcanoes did not sign on to such an accord, and therefore do emit 100% of their production. It takes a special kind of dork to present those figures that imply that volcanoes emit 1% of the CO2 that humans do in fuel use in any year. Fake implications need to be adjusted to reflect what the actual overages are for man, and the percent will look far worse than 1% for volcanoes.

                      And for FS, stop charging me a carbon tax based on 100% of CO2 production. A CO2 tax freedom day needs to be calculated before anyone will get me to stop objecting.


                        Dead pilot whale found off coast of thailand from eating 17 lbs of plastic . Why dont these brain dead idiots focus on real problems that are here now ???????


                          Now THAT is pollution...earth to Climate Barbie...we have a problem...hello...any brain home in there?


                            Believe our govt is going to spending millions plastic pollution in the ocean


                              Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                              It's generally quoted that volcanos annually emit about 1% of what humans do by burning fossil fuels alone.

                              Hate to get your hopes up but this is just an article written by another climate change denier - it isn't based on any scientific breakthrough that proves that climate change has run it's course.
                              You just completely embarrass yourself with this comment. I don’t even know where to start. I think “tool” is the best word I can think of
                              Last edited by vvalk; Jun 5, 2018, 22:47.


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