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JT Screws up again. Time to start counting the days.

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    Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
    This trade war will lower our CDN $. Justin got the trade war he wanted for political reasons.

    Oliver's map says it all. Oh and JT wants to borrow $400M for education in foreign countries.
    JT had a chance to pull a Trump and celebrate the highlights but couldn't resist another dig. Finally got a response from the bear.


      Most people have raised a red flag on Trump when he wants to be friends with Russia and North Korea.Leaders around the world even Harper and Ford are backing Trudeau on this one.Trump is the one that wants to look like a hard ass going over to deal with Noth Korea.And he ended up looking like a dumb ass.Trump could not play checkers let alone chess.to figure out hos moves.


        Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post

        See I don’t care what Gormley is talking about how the USA is wrong. Their playing hardball and we have a incompetent leader.
        I don't care for the other things truduea is doing but in this issue you can't be so partisan as to agree with squirrel brains from the USA.

        Truduea not the other g6 leaders did nothing wrong at that meeting.

        A dim witted loser would rather destroy the west so that he and putin can be the two kings. Putin slaughtered how many Ukrainians and this son of a bit-- wants to invite him just so he has another dictator loser at the table??
        Stop being so partisan and maybe stand up for your country for once.
        Doug Ford is and I respect that greatly.


          Let’s follow the plan Newguy of course the conservatives are saying our jobs are important and it’s great that JT did what he did it’s proper so when our leader is don next fall and gone you can call up trump and say let’s get this shit done and you don’t look like the bad guy our idiot does.

          And guess what we can actually blame Trudeau for real ****ups not like he does Harper for none.


            Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
            Let’s follow the plan Newguy of course the conservatives are saying our jobs are important and it’s great that JT did what he did it’s proper so when our leader is don next fall and gone you can call up trump and say let’s get this shit done and you don’t look like the bad guy our idiot does.

            And guess what we can actually blame Trudeau for real ****ups not like he does Harper for none.
            So how did Scheer help Canada by going to New York and bad mouthing the canadian govenment.kind of hard to tell right now who is leading the conservatives.looks to me they try to keep scheer out of the media.like a carpenter told me the other day.the less you do the less mistakes you make.


              It's like watching a company man negotiating with a socialist union boss. If Trump wanted to destroy Canada overnight, he could seal the border shut - nothing in or out. Canada is nothing without US. Try wiping your ass - all the toilet paper is made in US. People got big dreams and mouths about diversifying markets. Go ask a beef rancher how well that worked out for them after 2003.

              Trump said he wanted to eliminate all subsidies and tariffs. A good negotiator would jump on that and make a list of them on both sides of the border and sign that both parties eliminate them all, regardless of political implications. That is how you play hardball.

              But Canada? They are hiding in the closet, screaming "Quit picking on me! I just want to be friends!"


                Here we go with graphs, charts, maps and interpretations . . . . . . I'll call you and raise you one graph, who the hell knows where the truth and accuracy lies.

                https://howmuch.net/articles/states-most-dependent-on-trade-with-canada https://howmuch.net/articles/states-most-dependent-on-trade-with-canada


                  Trudeau was right to stand up for Canada against Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs that he slapped on Canada.

                  Here's a list of people who agree with Trudeau stand against Trump:
                  Member's of the G7 agreed, Federal Conservatives agreed, newly elect Doug Ford, Premiers of the Provinces, Bruce Heyman former USA ambassador to Canada agreed, former PM Brain Mulroney and the list goes on a on.

                  Then we have SK3 cheer leading Trump and crying that since Trudeau took a stand against Trump the Canada dollar will cash, hence making his six month holidaying in the USA more expensive. That's the problem being born with the Golden Spoon when things don't go your way you cry and whine and make as much noise as possible.

                  Real sad we got Agriviller's bashing Trudeau for defending Canada, I bet in real life you let people walk all over you without a peep!


                    Ah my USA account doesn’t change.

                    Trudeau screwed up.


                      Ah Nanos has Trudeau up and winning today.

                      35% vs 33% and NDP Green dont get honorable mention.


                        Most people don't like a bully. Trudeau's popularity has grown since standing up to the AntiChrist Trump.


                          Yea that is why I wouldn't be surprised if the Liberals call a snap election after Dope gets passed. You heard it here first.

                          The F#$K Up would win.

                          THen I can move to the USA and Claim refugee status.


                            Originally posted by Braveheart View Post
                            Most people don't like a bully. Trudeau's popularity has grown since standing up to the AntiChrist Trump.
                            This Trump vs Trudeau strategy likely was cooked up by Butts heading into an election year.
                            Trump will now hammer Canadian auto sector to retaliate against dairy tariff....than there will be a bailout package to attract votes.

                            500 days until next scheduled election but SF3 is correct a snap election could be called since the trend is for Liberals to be losing popularity in Ontario and BC.


                              Does anyone respect or take Trudeau seriously...in Canada or abroad?

                              He has encountered many cold shoulders.

                              And when it comes to negotiating stick to business issues not social issues or some stupid personal adgenda that doesn't even register on most Canadian's radar.

                              And Trump, well what can one say?

                              The whole exercise is nothing but political posturing, and they're both slouches!

                              The spoiled Pansy versus the spoiled Bully....at least they have one thing in common. Besides being poor choices to lead their counties.


                                Sumdum Pansy against Sumdum Bully - I like that. Now all we need is Sumdum Taxpayers to pay for it all.

                                This could end so badly - just sayin.


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