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Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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    Friday Crop Report on a Thursday!

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Name:	PIU2gj%HThGMSAt3PvmmLQ.jpg
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ID:	778025 Its an Illusion Panorama Shot, No the Boom isn't bent.

    Ah, another week has gone by. Soon we will be reaching the midpoint of the 2018 Year the days will start to slowly get shorter. Ah, it doesn't get any better. Sun up at 3:30 and down 10:30.

    Our leader did not disappoint this week and screwed up again. Yes as a country we have to pull behind and fight the Americans on the tariffs but Really the whole thing can only be blamed on one person Justin Trudeau. He wanted to show the American president he is top dog, well he got shit on now its damage control time. Again it proves he's not that smart and Fall of 2019 cant come fast enough. But if some traction can be gained for the Liberals out of this and JT keeps out of the Public and takes lots and lots of Personal Days. Scheer is in hot water with Bernier so I wouldn't be surprised if the liberals call a snap election right after JT gets his Pot Legal. Just saying.

    Ok here is the Crop Report.

    Only one Guy to the North of us is still seeding. Ok, they just got going.

    Our area got a smaller amount of rain this week and still sitting at 4.25 in since spring melt. Most are in full spray mode and with the insane wind some are getting behind some are right on time some are ahead. One thing that is happening lots of guys phone and asks what varieties you have of Canola when spraying to avoid drift. It started a few years ago and it works. With the wind, if the neighbour has liberty and we have no borders between it could become a spray day but if he has RR no it wouldn't. Just be talk. It works.

    We are at almost 50% done spraying and except for a few fields of Liberty Canola on Pea stubble I would say caught up.

    HRS is most advanced and the guys who started the Friday vs us on Thursday later with wheat have a very nice catch. Ours is catching up but the extra 6 days sure helped. Spraying is almost done on wheat in the area and we have only a few left to go. I would say except for few yellow areas flooded or sitting with wet feet it's a 9 so far.

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    Barley is a little yellow since the spray operation but is growing nice and clean. It has hit the gas and starting its next stage. Growing real fast.

    Peas ah peas and Viper. WHy why-why do I grow peas and why do I spray with Viper. Yes clean except for Wild oats that are coming again since the Friday rain event. But it's in that week later yellow stunted sick phase. Yes, the new growing point is green and lush coming out but Its the week to avoid driving buy your fields.

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    Canola, ours is a week later than our areas earliest seeded and yes there is a difference. He could be bolting buy end of Farm progress show. Its a day some use as when they like to be flowering by.

    Most are getting the other crops sprayed and then on to Canola. We have Five that should be sprayed but Ill finish the HRS and then start with them. The rest is nice and clean. The rain has helped and Crop is moving along nicely. Few drowned out spots or packed from the rain and fewer survivors.

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    Close to last seeded the above picture. Haven't looked at Canola on Pig shit in two weeks.

    Oats are up in our area.

    Flax looks really nice and most are sprayed.

    Lentils on the south side of Valley nice. But less rain.

    Pasture is doing better and rain has helped. Ok helped a lot it was a slow two-day rain.

    So at this point in the growing season, most are spraying and finishing stone picking etc. Few strangers on seeding. Rain is a 10 so far as it has been slow rains. Flooding on some close to our yard but rest is doing ok. Weeds are loving the rain but so is the crop. Canola might only get a single app of Liberty and Assure because of its growing fast. Flea beetles aren't an issue.

    Slow rain makes grain. Fast rain fills holes and dips and dives and mud.

    Those who still haven't got the rain and there seems to be quite a few I'm pulling for you.

    I like 4 timely spots of rain of an inch after seeding an inch at farm progress and an inch in July and one at Exhibition week to finish the crop. But I'll take the 4.25 and not complain.

    So be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than any crop. Look the market thinks its in the bin yet some have only had a quarter of a inch since spring. Yea its in the bin morons.

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ID:	778029
    Last edited by SASKFARMER3; Jun 14, 2018, 05:07.

    The HRS Crop.

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    Leader of Canada

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    Last edited by SASKFARMER3; Jun 14, 2018, 05:06.


      The early photo I wanted to use but wouldn't load.

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      Clean except cleavers and odd w/o plus volunteer canola.

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ID:	766479


        I hate to say it but the Rot is back 🤨.
        Seen a neighbors pea field starting to symptoms about 5 days ago . Went by late yesterday and I did not even have to get out of sprayer. It’s over 50% and will be toast in a few more days .
        Ours seem ok so far .
        Pea crops just east of here could be in trouble , lots of peas just sprayed last week then got 2-4 in rain since . That’s a very bad combo .


          Yea that is a combination that takes peas down


            Caught up spraying. Nexera canola is going to be "ok"... but definitely won't be worthy of a picture on the cover of a magazine. But it is along a highway for everyone to see. The apprentice sprayed the Liberty and says its quite a bit better.

            Cereals seem hurt by herbicide. Seeing yellowing from too wet too. Some yellowing in rows from previous year's crop residue...how much more fert can "economically" be applied? I expect it to improve once it grows out of the herbicide shock and the crop reaches the fert in the midrow.

            Peas...well. What are our options? Basagran only? Edge...yeah, that's fun and has it's own issues.

            It wouldn't hurt my feelings if we missed any possibility rain today...then its all sunshine and lollipops for the next few days.

            Looks like this could be a fungicide year unless the tap turns off and it gets hot and dry.


              Our Black Beans seems to be off to a good start.

              Will be interesting to see what happens after I spray these with Viper.
              Black beans not nearly as sensitive to herbicide injuries tho


                Finished spraying yesterday.
                Wht has yellow in to wet areas.
                Canola looks great except where drowned out.
                Nexera 1026 looks as good or maybe at bit better than the dekalb varieties we have.


                  RR strait cut pioneer seeded middle I think looks better for now than my liberty


                    Sorry that was the flax in our area.

                    This is RR


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