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Our wheat markets will be done.

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    Straight from the CFIA statement:

    "On March 23, 2018, the CFIA, in collaboration with the CGC, confirmed that the GM wheat plants found in Alberta were not a match for any currently registered wheat seed variety in Canada. The GM wheat has a unique DNA fingerprint that does not match any of the approximately 450 wheat varieties on file with the CFIA and the CGC."

    When the original Canadian confined field trials was done, what varieties were used? Are they in this 450 strong DNA database?


      We’ve all seen Trump with a hoe before, no? Perhaps he slipped up to Alberta and did a bit of seeding.


        Rup wheat was growing outside Saskatoon at the Monsanto research farm since at least 2003. It isn't a crime to grow unregistered varieties only delivery will get your balls in a vice. If big M can't clean it's machinery that's their problem.


          Originally posted by Sheepwheat View Post
          I will admit to having seen not only wheat growing in ditches, but several times have seen where ditches have been sprayed with glyph. Especially happens where there are power poles and guys are trying to not leave the area between the pole and the road unsprayed. I have one neighbor in particular, who sprays the ditches all the time, and seeds right into them.

          So to be frank, I see this as credible. I am surprised that some say this is bs. Not trying to be a jack wagon at all here. Just telling the truth of my experience...

          Who would have called it in? Many organic guys would.
          WTF? Wondering how you came to the conclusion in your last statement, what makes you think MANY organic guys would call it in, but not any other types of farmers? Organic farmers do not use RoundUp so how would they know if the plants are GE? How many farmers do you know, organic or conventional, that have time to go around and snip some wheat plants from a RM ditch and then get them tested? Do you believe there are organic farmers driving around looking for problems? or reasons to knock down conventional markets?

          I usually enjoy reading your posts, and mostly agree with your outlook on farm life, but this comment seems off base.
          Last edited by pourfarmer; Jun 15, 2018, 10:06.


            Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
            Who the **** is looking for wheat plants in ditches?
            Who the **** is spraying ditches with glyphosate to notice the wheat didn't die?

            $mells fishy...

            You nailed it.

            We have to ask why someone would benefit from reporting these plants?
            Why was it reported throughout the media instead of dealing with it internally?

            Just like BSE our federal bureaucracy chooses to hurt farm incomes.


              Originally posted by pourfarmer View Post
              WTF? Wondering how you came to the conclusion in your last statement, what makes you think MANY organic guys would call it in, but not any other types of farmers? Organic farmers do not use RoundUp so how would they know if the plants are GE? How many farmers do you know, organic or conventional, that have time to go around and snip some wheat plants from a RM ditch and then get them tested? Do you believe there are organic farmers driving around looking for problems? or reasons to knock down conventional markets?

              I usually enjoy reading your posts, and mostly agree with your outlook on farm life, but this seems comment seems off base.
              I was kinda tongue in cheek there, sorry. But in seriousness, I think every area has at least one of those folks who strive to be troublemakers, who are extra green, who if you rent their land, control how you farm it with no nh3, no go crops, etc. Our local who is such as this, would be guaranteed to call it in. I just maybe assume incorrectly that each area has a few of these types?

              I should have stipulated they aren’t even necessarily farmers. Often land owners only.

              I am reminded of a funny thing. When quest canola (roundup ready) came out, one of these folks swore it would become a weed, that it would cause problems, and that it is not a good idea. At the time, I chuckled. But now, after having had issues with volunteers on land where I have never grown it, and around my yard, I look back and see I shoulda listened instead of laughed.

              I certainly did not mean to sleight organic farmers. Just some of those types that should be on salt spring island, selling organic firewood...


                Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                Who the **** is looking for wheat plants in ditches?
                Who the **** is spraying ditches with glyphosate to notice the wheat didn't die?

                $mells fishy...

                Agree, manipulation. Even CGC saying not DNA profile- wonder where did they test it? There are ancient varieties, they could have cross-bred in the last 150 years. Smells very fishy.


                  Trial plots is what you need to look for.

                  if you'd u are so naive that you won't believe rogue farmers have been growing RR what for a long time, you deserve to foot the bill again.

                  Canadian farmers have been paying for the loss of the Canadian flax export market for over a decade now. Seed growers illegally grew Triffid, greedy bastards, but they got caught, never had to own up, and they stuck ordinary agriville farmers withe the cleanup.

                  And worse, they stuck ordinary farmers for the loss of flax sales. It's 2018, and millions of new health conscious buyers worldwide, dont buy Canadian flax because a few handful of farmers didn't follow the rules, and because they knew you would cave in and pay.. They should have been banned from growing registered seed for life.

                  You have flax councils and Wheat councils and poll the wool over your eyes councils who provide absolutley no service for you. Your check offs work against you.

                  The entire system is designed to "grow more" instead of grow more healthy. You buy more inputs in 2018 but only the fertilizer companies and seed
                  Companies profit. Bushes to feed the poor is the adage and it's so terribly stupid. The poor still starve, and soon, so will you.

                  1. Every landowner owner who allowed these Wheat plots on their land should be publicly named.

                  2. Every seed grower/farmer who grew RR Wheat should be publicly named.

                  3. Every Ag Canada who's signature approved growing the RRwheat should be immediately fired and the approval publicly posted
                  4. Every member of the Wheat committee in Alberta should replaced before July 1st.

                  5. The funding arrangements for plot maintenance, expenses should be made public.

                  6. All RRwheat breeding certificates issued for the basic stock should be made public, including names and dates, and ownership.

                  7 All companies who bred RRwheat should be publicly identified, along with their patents.

                  8. All growers who have a contract with RRwheat developers must be identified and their license revoked, and their stocks destroyed. Bar none.

                  9. All registered seed growers and breeders, must be stripped of their designation with Ag Canada

                  10. The Federal minister of agriculture must resign. This is an operational failure, for which he is responsible. You're really not losing a valuable asset
                  To Ag anyhow.

                  Add to this Prelim list. I have to weed my flowers.

                  Have a great day, Parsley


                    Japan froze imports of Canadian wheat.


                      One PS.

                      If you think one summer student digging weeds in the ditch discovered a plant, you are truly stupid people.

                      This is an organized operation across every province. And someone ****ed up big time. Probably selling illegal seed stock under the tallied-table.

                      Look around and count the liars. They'll be hiding in their basements. And they will stick you with this cleanup bill again. Take some Vit B to grow your knackers. Pars


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