I had an adequate crop of peas last year was new seed for this year ...Ammarillo....looked really good ...was really excited about the peas for this year ...
Added 40 pounds of a blend that should have started them well...they already have nodules and are pink but the root is carmel and the size of a toothpick....they are ****ed.
I also seed with a disk drill and roll soon after ...ground was nice to seed into, closing nice depth about 2 inches minimum....
I had an adequate crop of peas last year was new seed for this year ...Ammarillo....looked really good ...was really excited about the peas for this year ...
Added 40 pounds of a blend that should have started them well...they already have nodules and are pink but the root is carmel and the size of a toothpick....they are ****ed.
I also seed with a disk drill and roll soon after ...ground was nice to seed into, closing nice depth about 2 inches minimum....