Ok, its farm progress show week and it's almost time for a June Rain to take the crop into July. It looks not bad so far and one rain event will keep it growing nice. Peas are the crop in our area that took it on the chin. They looked awful after spraying Viper and some fields might recover with the heat but some are done. Sad when its the chemicals fault yet BASF says its the rain I got two days later. Either way, Maybe its Liberty fault and I switch all canola to Pioneer. Just saying.
Politics will be really short this week, Our Idiot spent 60 mills in a riding in Quebec to help his useless liberals win. Well, the people of Quebec are smart and actually tossed him to the curb along with his NDP companion. But the Great JT did bring in the Marijuana law. So let's all smoke a big Fatty in October and Vote the idiot's ass out. Here is a prediction. Watch if his poll numbers go up after oct he will call a snap election. Just saying watch. Oh, and can this idiot spend money. 1.5 to go to India. and the prince has gold carpet treatment at his summer cabin. Just like a liberal take and take. Pad their own useless pockets and tell the poor they are there for them.
Ok, the Crop Report.
HRS is looking good the heat is helping but a rain is needed in the next 10 days to keep it going strong. All spraying is done and Fungicides will start next week on early trials.
Barley is the crop that we have lots in our area. Maybe more guys seeded it than was expected. Like way more than usual. The crop is doing ok and growing fast all spraying is done Fungicides will start next week.
Flax we have lots in our area. It looks good all spraying is done and growing great.
Oats very little in our area but doing good.
Lentils across the valley look excellent but hey it's not a rainy year so why not.
Canola best catch ever but the only downfall is the wet years pushed salt up around the water's edge and these rings will take a few dry years to go away. Also, the fields were seeded end to end but the two inches at beginning of June drowned out so still patchy on rolly land. To the 3 lb seeders its all great to just put a bit in the ground but a few flea beetles or soil problems etc and you have huge areas with nothing. Also, different drills are showing up this spring and the old tech is not doing as good.
Peas suck ok mine do and the rep I guess knows more than my agronomist or the Cargill or pioneer or private friend. The whole field is yellow. It's not the disease as roots are healthy making nodes and top is now greening up. But for 14 days it was sick and yield will be compromised. Shit happens I know but the rain I didn't cause. Buyer beware. and they bought Liberty wow were Screwed.
last week.
now. on some of the field rest slowly coming back.
Pasture could use a little rain to keep the cows happy. But the slow two-day rain at beginning of June really did perk it up.
Well, it's off to the show want to see the New Fendt and Morris drill. Maybe who knows. Deere has a 60 ft wow a little behind with the times.
So keep safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than this crop that the market thinks is a whopper and will take.
To all who are extremely dry, i hope pray you get rain. Drought sucks the life out of a person. Just like over amount of rain you look to the sky for hope and all that you get is three spits.