Went out to Drumheller on the weekend. I said I would report what I saw.
It was pretty bland most of the way. A few things I noticed worth mentioning.
1. Lots of canola acres.
2. Not a lot of amazing looking canola. Lots average. Lots below. Lots decent. A little pretty darn bad, and a little pretty darn good.
3. No idea how what the crop looks like, lines up with moisture in the soil.
4. Best canola is northeast of Wadena. And then surprisingly west of kindersley and into the east of Hanna area. Quite patchy around rosetown, and as sf3 said, the Wadena west to near Humboldt is not what it should be. The hills west of Humboldt is patchy and makes me wish I had land there to farm sheep on. I love that area for aesthetics. Tough grain farming country, amazed they stick with it!
5. A lot of late to very late crops. Many cereals pre heading all along the way, but particularly west of Saskatoon. We are more advanced in the cereal department out east here, which blew my mind.
6. Lots of late canola. Lots just about to bolt. Too many fields barely covering the ground yet. Lots is in 🌺.
7.Saw two flax fields the whole way. Looked reasonable, it great, but decent enough.
8. Peas look very, very good.
9. We live in an amazing and big province.
10. There is something appealing to me from bush country, about the sweeping, great rolling hills and wide open vistas where you can see forever. I just find it cool whenever I head out west. I want to head off the highway someday with a tent and a backpack! Lol
11. Animals are a limiting factor for fun. Freedom is gone when you have animals. A love hate relationship. First time I left the farm on a trip longer than a couple hours for several years. I kinda miss the freedom. I was stressed the whole time wondering how things were at home. Hard to relax and enjoy like when I just grew grain.
12. On that note, and that being said, there is so much wasted land that could be and should be used to grow 🥩. As an animal guy, I notice more now that there is much land that should have animals, and I find it frustrating when I see thousands of acres of land just kinda doing nothing. We are not even remotely close to potential in this place. We could be a bigger powerhouse than we already are in agriculture. In different ways of doing things. Seeing all the borderline land that there is, being used for growing mediocre crops unless it rains frequently, pounds home that there is more than one way to farm, and I wish more farmers would see that.
13. I am the only person in all Saskatchewan and eastern Alberta, who still steers their machinery across the fields.
All in all, an average crop is on the way. Shocker, huh?
It was pretty bland most of the way. A few things I noticed worth mentioning.
1. Lots of canola acres.
2. Not a lot of amazing looking canola. Lots average. Lots below. Lots decent. A little pretty darn bad, and a little pretty darn good.
3. No idea how what the crop looks like, lines up with moisture in the soil.
4. Best canola is northeast of Wadena. And then surprisingly west of kindersley and into the east of Hanna area. Quite patchy around rosetown, and as sf3 said, the Wadena west to near Humboldt is not what it should be. The hills west of Humboldt is patchy and makes me wish I had land there to farm sheep on. I love that area for aesthetics. Tough grain farming country, amazed they stick with it!
5. A lot of late to very late crops. Many cereals pre heading all along the way, but particularly west of Saskatoon. We are more advanced in the cereal department out east here, which blew my mind.
6. Lots of late canola. Lots just about to bolt. Too many fields barely covering the ground yet. Lots is in 🌺.
7.Saw two flax fields the whole way. Looked reasonable, it great, but decent enough.
8. Peas look very, very good.
9. We live in an amazing and big province.
10. There is something appealing to me from bush country, about the sweeping, great rolling hills and wide open vistas where you can see forever. I just find it cool whenever I head out west. I want to head off the highway someday with a tent and a backpack! Lol
11. Animals are a limiting factor for fun. Freedom is gone when you have animals. A love hate relationship. First time I left the farm on a trip longer than a couple hours for several years. I kinda miss the freedom. I was stressed the whole time wondering how things were at home. Hard to relax and enjoy like when I just grew grain.
12. On that note, and that being said, there is so much wasted land that could be and should be used to grow 🥩. As an animal guy, I notice more now that there is much land that should have animals, and I find it frustrating when I see thousands of acres of land just kinda doing nothing. We are not even remotely close to potential in this place. We could be a bigger powerhouse than we already are in agriculture. In different ways of doing things. Seeing all the borderline land that there is, being used for growing mediocre crops unless it rains frequently, pounds home that there is more than one way to farm, and I wish more farmers would see that.
13. I am the only person in all Saskatchewan and eastern Alberta, who still steers their machinery across the fields.
All in all, an average crop is on the way. Shocker, huh?
