This really sums up our leader. You can’t run around and preach the almighty and then when your caught being the fool you try to deflect like all the other predators out there. This is t a leader it’s a opportunist who got caught.
Ralph keep supporting him and your next to go down the drain, do the right thing and exit before you get booted to the curb.
Ok it’s a quick report as family are here from the left Coast.
Well I always like a rain event around Craven week and it looked like a winner was comming. It was apreaciated but a half inch at this time of year is a little short if hot dry windy weather is back in the forecast.
Crop is growing rapidly and needs water. When I talk one inch after seeding and one farm progress show and one craven week and one exhibition week it’s a great crop on way if you get it.
Total rainfall is now 7.5 inches since snow melt.
Ok here we go.
HRS is headed or just heading and most sprayed fungicide. Some like me did folicur on wheat as it was past flowering on a couple quarters rest got Prosario XR. Protect the flag even if fuz won’t be a problem. We are leaving one half section to see if it was worth it. We have nice hrs crops but not the best in the area. One neighbour out seeding 5 days earlier on worked soy stubble has a 12 out of 10.

Barley is all but done being sprayed and even some early is filling. Rain did lodge some spots but maybe the wind will help it rise.

Oats looks great we have none this year.
Flax is flowering and being sprayed for disease.
Lentils are growing strong lots of top growth not sure seed set.
Peas are every where from a 11 to ours at a 6. Viper is definately cause as every spot I missed on purpose the crop is awsome.

Canola is looking great but again the best fields in the district are the ones on worked soy or pea ground. Like these are a 12 if the rest are 9.
Spraying for fungicides is happening but not every one this year. Canopy is thick but not soaked till one like previous years. 8 maybe and it’s dry. Nice cabbage this year
Pastures are really doing good. Hay crop isn’t as big as last few years but good. Guys are still cutting ditches just in case. Reality with rain showers if you travel 10 miles west of us it’s a different world hay really poor.
Odd smf field don’t get it but have seen. Guy who seeds end of June his oats are up.
Overall the crop is doing great in our area but how big will depend on next few weeks. If the rain keeps at the 1/2 to 1 inch every week it will be good if missed and turns very hot and dry yield will be dropping off real fast.
AIM is next week and I enjoy the crop plots. The machinery demos. The friends and family you run into. Still waiting for a rain event on that day and wonder how all those cars and busses would get out of a field.
Be safe and remember the ones at home are way more important than a crop that they are working so hard to take for nothing. We lost another farmer in Sask this week please if you have or think someone is having trouble talking works wonders.
No mention that a small rain won’t cure a crop that is done flowering and shutting down. Or a down pour that will cause a dry crop to start growing again and flower in spots that were dried out.