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Friday Crop Report on Thursday!

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    Crops here are getting to the point they could use a good drink to maintain their maximum potential....... maximum prospects will begin to diminish if no more rain falls. Monsoon season is over and we will be into full rain lottery mode now.

    We won't have a really good flax crop even if rain comes. Not a very good stand.

    Wheat is good but will need rain to maintain what earlier rains created. There is early signs of lodging on overlapped headlands...if we get a big downpour with wind, i think we'll have a mess.

    Canola smartened up somewhat...an elastic crop but only capable of compensating so much. It is coming out of full flower....those last ones may be just for show without more rain.

    Peas are wrapping up the flowering stage with what appears to be lots of pods.

    Overall still hard to complain considering what spring looked like up to May 24...
    Last edited by farmaholic; Jul 13, 2018, 14:03.


      Checked some oats six miles from home last night. Ouch. They missed the rains we had at home, and it is not looking too great. Bit lighter soil too, and it shows. As breadwinner said, looks great from the road, so I was not even aware of no rains, but you walk in, and I will say that it is the first time I have a crop affected by too dry conditions. Adjacent canola holding on, but it is going to struggle if it doesn’t rain soon. If it’s dry here....

      Last edited by Sheepwheat; Jul 13, 2018, 14:07.


        Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
        Overall still hard to complain considering what spring looked like up to May 24...
        Agree if only we could have spread out that one massive rain event. Every day I look my yield estimates drop. 2 inch wide cracks everywhere again. I think we will be rolling August 1. Early durum has filled and is turning. Green lentils filling pods, i see some lentils turning on light ground. Crop is hurrying to finish up with what little moisture there is.

        I bet canola avg yield wont make 30 in our neck of the woods and that number is likely generous.


          Hail Friday the 13th.


            How much sf3? Could see the clouds tops from Vanscoy,


              South east of Regina it’s dry dry dry

              There were spots in our durum we could see tipping over...upon inspection, it is tipping into the cracks in the ground that formed right under the row.

              Some very weird spots showing up too where it just ran out of moisture - seeing it in heavy fertilizer fields, ridge tops, and in blow dirt from last year

              Durum beards burnt white now in crops that looked great last week


                Also lots of canola done flowering in two weeks flat.

                Working on combines now. Will be done harvest in August is the silver lining I guess



                  Are those last year's pictures 🙁?

                  You must have missed some of the rains.

                  What's your total rainfall for the season?


                    I wish they were last years, but no this hot off the presses just today.

                    Every rain we watch the gauge and it just wets the bottom. Clouds are all just 10-20 miles farther east.

                    We need a couple inches in the very near future to make a difference...hopefully it holds on until then.

                    I was thinking about sacrificing the wife to the rain gods but I am worried that might just make the rain gods angrier!!

                    Dad says he is going to cut some hay...that usually does the trick!


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