Word is that McCauley (or however it's spelled) is retiring tomorrow from the portfolio in cabinet shuffle. Most invisible man in cabinet. Liberals have had some useless Ag ministers, but they seem to make it a challenge to make the next one even more pathetic and limp-dicked.
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Invisible Ag Minister out tomorrow
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Both federal and provincial ag ministers like handing out money but as a primary producer I never see the benefits as they profess....
I think both federal and saskatchewan's ag ministers are senile.
The ag minister should maybe be a reflection of whats going on in ag as opposed to age....although the picking would be pretty slim in saskatchewan.
Umm ? Do we have a provincial ag minister??? Everyone knows we dont have a fed ag minister. Thats a given
What tariff on pulses from canada???????
Thats the reaction I think of when the federal ag minister isn't turfed.
The minister of ag both federally and provincially are to represent farmers.....neither are doing SFA....they should be justifying an ad hoc payment no different than what steel companies are getting....
No sense in R&D to grow more when no one is buying our products...
Heard macauley talking about the investment the railways are making .....guess who pays for that investment....then he goes on to say how railways should be able to handle the crop....
The ****ing crop isn't moving.....Elevators are trucking to their crushers now instead of rail...
There could be 5 mmt of lentils in the bins this year.....Did I mention tariffs??????
Absolute incompetent and senile ag ministers....
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