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Angus Reid Carbon Tax survey

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    Angus Reid Carbon Tax survey

    Very detailed, good snapshot of Canadians...two-thirds of Canadians say provinces should have the final say on pricing. Seven-in-ten Canadians (72%), including nearly 88 per cent of those in Saskatchewan say Moe is right to challenge the Trudeau plan in court, arguing that his province has its own plan in place. Perhaps troubling for the federal Liberals, nearly half of their own past voters (48%) say the federal government should take a back seat on this issue:

    http://angusreid.org/carbon-pricing-ford-moe-trudeau/ http://angusreid.org/carbon-pricing-ford-moe-trudeau/

    I think everyone is catching on to the trudeau snake oil salesman scheme....

    His connections to likes of the Bronfmans and arrogance to issues is starting to irritate people..


      12% of Saskatchewan residents approve a carbon tax??

      I didn’t realize it would be that high....what’s wrong with some people?


        Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
        12% of Saskatchewan residents approve a carbon tax??

        I didn’t realize it would be that high....what’s wrong with some people?
        Die hard commies that want your money instead of working for their own. They're just about all dead


          Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
          12% of Saskatchewan residents approve a carbon tax??

          I didn’t realize it would be that high....what’s wrong with some people?
          The same idiots that keep electing Gooddale.


            Hey I resemble that. Oh wait Ralph will not win this time he will be gone so let’s hope he is smart enough to retire before he is humiliated


              Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
              12% of Saskatchewan residents approve a carbon tax??

              I didn’t realize it would be that high....what’s wrong with some people?
              The way it's structured in Alberta low income residents get a cheque from the government. Keeping in mind most low income residents are young adults living at home or apartment renters or couch hold downs etc. lots likely may not even own a car, and it's a net benefit to them financially, most don't care about the environmental aspect they just see it as free money.

              I bet 12% is low on support but for the wrong reasons.


                If you look closely at the responses, as sk is officially the rightist wing province in Canada. Alberta has slipped...


                  Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
                  Hey I resemble that. Oh wait Ralph will not win this time he will be gone so let’s hope he is smart enough to retire before he is humiliated
                  isn't he already humiliated???


                    Originally posted by caseih View Post
                    isn't he already humiliated???
                    He should be supporting Peter Pan ...


                      Originally posted by bucket View Post
                      I think everyone is catching on to the trudeau snake oil salesman scheme....

                      His connections to likes of the Bronfmans and arrogance to issues is starting to irritate people..
                      Liberal advisers are now realizing how much they will kill the economy.

                      They are starting to back off but not totally because than they would have to admit to being clueless.


                        Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                        Liberal advisers are now realizing how much they will kill the economy.

                        They are starting to back off but not totally because than they would have to admit to being clueless.
                        The words cunning, sly and unscrupulous come to mind. And not being able to sell the lie anymore.


                          Interesting acknowledgement by the Liberals....although they won’t admit to being wrong. 😂

                          Looks like the fat lady is ready to sing for the pro-carbon taxers.


                            Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                            Interesting acknowledgement by the Liberals....although they won’t admit to being wrong. 😂

                            Looks like the fat lady is ready to sing for the pro-carbon taxers.
                            I don't think Chuck has received the memo. He will be like the Japanese soldiers living in caves for decades after the end of the war, completely shut off from the real world, and still vehemently supporting and preaching his religion in spite of the rest of the population having lost faith and moved on to real problems.


                              Interesting survey results. 76% agree that global warming is real. 20% of those respondents think it is real but caused by natural processes. 11% are uncertain. Only 14 % are in outright disagreement.

                              Some of the key findings of Angus Reid Carbon Tax Survey

                              Just over half of Canadians (56%) say global warming is real, and primarily caused by human industrial activity. One-in-five (20%) say it is real but caused by natural processes. The rest are split between uncertainty (11%) or outright disagreement (14%)

                              While the Saskatchewan Party “acknowledges the science-based reality of climate change” it has also stated that “a one-size-fits-all carbon tax fails to recognize the diverse nature of our great Canadian economy.” As such, the province would like to avoid being compelled to participate.

                              There are no surprises on a carbon tax. Everyone loves a new tax!

                              This is all about politics and leaders like Moe and Ford like to mislead the public on the issue for their own political gain.

                              We have a new generation of conservatives who are anti science, anti evidence, and anti environment.

                              How many posts on Agriville still state the earth is cooling and an ice age is coming? Lots!

                              Many Agriville posts fall into "Only 14 % are in outright disagreement" category. Those are the people who despite shrinking glaciers and less arctic summer ice allowing ships to pass easily through the northwest passage, apparently don't believe it is happening at all!

                              These are the same people continually disputing the temperature records and spouting grand conspiracies about scientists and wealth transfer.


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