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Extreme global weather is 'the face of climate change' says leading scientist

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    Extreme global weather is 'the face of climate change' says leading scientist


    Extreme global weather is 'the face of climate change' says leading scientist

    Exclusive: Prof Michael Mann declares the impacts of global warming are now ‘playing out in real-time’

    • Heatwave made more than twice as likely by climate change, scientists find

    Damian Carrington Environment editor

    Fri 27 Jul 2018 18.02 BST
    Last modified on Sat 28 Jul 2018 09.12 BST

    The extreme heatwaves and wildfires wreaking havoc around the globe are “the face of climate change,” one of the world’s leading climate scientists has declared, with the impacts of global warming now “playing out in real time.”

    Climate change has long been predicted to increase extreme weather incidents, and scientists are now confident these predictions are coming true. Scientists say the global warming has contributed to the scorching temperatures that have baked the UK and northern Europe for weeks.

    The hot spell was made more than twice as likely by climate change, a new analysis found, demonstrating an “unambiguous” link.

    Extreme weather has struck across Europe, from the Arctic Circle to Greece, and across the world, from North America to Japan. “This is the face of climate change,” said Prof Michael Mann, at Penn State University, and one the world’s most eminent climate scientists. “We literally would not have seen these extremes in the absence of climate change.”

    “The impacts of climate change are no longer subtle,” he told the Guardian. “We are seeing them play out in real time and what is happening this summer is a perfect example of that.”

    “We are seeing our predictions come true,” he said. “As a scientist that is reassuring, but as a citizen of planet Earth, it is very distressing to see that as it means we have not taken the necessary action.”
    Heatwave made more than twice as likely by climate change, scientists find
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    The rapid scientific assessment of the northern European heatwave was done by Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute and also colleagues in the World Weather Attribution (WWA) consortium. “We can see the fingerprints of climate change on local extremes,” he said.

    The current heatwave has been caused by an extraordinary stalling of the jet stream wind, which usually funnels cool Atlantic weather over the continent. This has left hot, dry air in place for two months – far longer than usual. The stalling of the northern hemisphere jet stream is being increasingly firmly linked to global warming, in particular to the rapid heating of the Arctic and resulting loss of sea ice.

    Prof Mann said that asking if climate change “causes” specific events is the wrong question: “The relevant question is: ‘Is climate change impacting these events and making them more extreme?’, and we can say with great confidence that it is.”

    Mann points out that the link between smoking tobacco and lung cancer is a statistical one, which does not prove every cancer was caused by smoking, but epidemiologists know that smoking greatly increases the risk. “That is enough to say that, for all practical purposes, there is a causal connection between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer and it is the same with climate change,” Mann said.
    Why is Europe going through a heatwave?
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    Other senior scientists agree the link is clear. Serious climate change is “unfolding before our eyes”, said Prof Rowan Sutton, at the University of Reading. “No one should be in the slightest surprised that we are seeing very serious heatwaves and associated impacts in many parts of the world.”
    Surface Temperature in 2017 and 2018. Source: GISS/NASA

    It is not too late to make the significant cuts needed in greenhouse gas emissions, said Mann, because the impacts progressively worsen as global warming increases.

    “It is not going off a cliff, it is like walking out into a minefield,” he said. “So the argument it is too late to do something would be like saying: ‘I’m just going to keep walking’. That would be absurd – you reverse course and get off that minefield as quick as you can. It is really a question of how bad it is going to get.”

    Yea chuck I knew you would crawl back. F$&k is it hot and dry in the northern hemisphere this summer.

    Climate change or weather?


      Originally posted by SASKFARMER3 View Post
      Yea chuck I knew you would crawl back. F$&k is it hot and dry in the northern hemisphere this summer.

      Climate change or weather?
      The answer is both.

      Rather than just guessing, common sense says listen to experts who have spent most of their lives studying climate change.

      When you need advice on law, agronomy, or finances and taxation who do you go to for advice and direction? Experts who know the subject better than you.
      Last edited by chuckChuck; Jul 28, 2018, 07:49.


        So the CWB is dead and will not be resurrected, so chuck this is your next soap box topic that you will try to antagonize this site with ??? Lol lolage
        You giver lil guy , I am sure most will just skip this garbage.


          Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
          The answer is both.

          Rather than just guessing, common sense says listen to experts who have spent most of their lives studying climate change.

          When you need advice on law, agronomy, or finances and taxation who do you go to for advice and direction? Experts who know the subject better than you.
          Thats right lawyers that represent both sides of the case????

          Financial experts that know no more that a so called grain expert....they go to work every day because they haven't and won't amass a fortune unless they pull stunt like Jordan Belfort.

          Agronomists who have been on my farm this year say " I don't Know" when asked wtf is going on.

          And finally taxation that is done by individuals who are just covering their asses for spending someone else's money.

          Experts guess and their only qualifications is NO one had said it before.


            https://www.amazon.com/%2522A-Disgrace-Profession%2522-Steyn-editor/dp/0986398330/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&tag=wattsupwithth-20 https://www.amazon.com/%2522A-Disgrace-Profession%2522-Steyn-editor/dp/0986398330/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&tag=wattsupwithth-20

            A very good read about what actual scientists are saying about mann.

            Another telling item about mann and his lawsuit against Mark Steyn is that not one amicus brief has been filed in mann's favor against steyn. Surely if mann had even an ounce of respectability left someone somewhere would be defending him.

            https://www.steynonline.com/7734/the-vertigo-at-the-top-of-the-stick https://www.steynonline.com/7734/the-vertigo-at-the-top-of-the-stick

            oh and by the way the world's climate is not out of the ordinary it is in fact quite benevolent.
            https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/07/25/pielke-jr-u-s-tornado-damage-continues-to-fall-2018-activity-near-record-lows/ https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/07/25/pielke-jr-u-s-tornado-damage-continues-to-fall-2018-activity-near-record-lows/


              Hi chucky, for a day or two I thought you must have lost your scissors and glue...

              How is life since you've transitioned away from Fossil Fuels and gone all Green? (Your choices and actions must surely mirror your noble sermons?)

              Have you come up with a plan for energy storage without using those uneconomical and limited-lifetime batteries? And how to dispose of your degraded solar panels? Fact: degraded solar panels produce 300X as much toxic waste per unit of energy produced than nuclear plants.

              But here read it for yourself -

              "A Clean Energy’s Dirty Little Secret"

              https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/06/solar-panel-waste-environmental-threat-clean-energy/ https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/06/solar-panel-waste-environmental-threat-clean-energy/

              How racist is it for you to expect Asia to continue to accept our junk PV panels and impose its pollution on them and their kids?


                If you disagree with chuck that's fine, but why go for the jugler just because you don't agree, sounds like a bit of trying to cover some guilt. I most certainly don't always agree with sask3,but we can have different views without attacking each other, or at least I can, we will let sask3 speak for himself.


                  Originally posted by Horse View Post
                  If you disagree with chuck that's fine, but why go for the jugler just because you don't agree, sounds like a bit of trying to cover some guilt. I most certainly don't always agree with sask3,but we can have different views without attacking each other, or at least I can, we will let sask3 speak for himself.
                  Because it's the greenie hypocrites like chucky that go for my jugular AND my wallet to fund their green horse shit, that's why, horse.

                  Open your eyes.


                    Originally posted by burnt View Post
                    Because it's the greenie hypocrites like chucky that go for my jugular AND my wallet to fund their green horse shit, that's why, horse.

                    Open your eyes.
                    Agree 100% , carbon tax scheme is #1 on that list


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