I can dispel the science by simply looking at the models. To model a chaotic system such as the atmosphere is NOT possible. The same way that your 3 day forecast is always off. Its the same inputs plus dozens more applied to a longer time scale.
The models need to account for hundreds of variables including stuff we cant even measure, like subsea vulcanism, forest fires and carbon sinks in deep waters etc. There are dozens of other variables we have no hope of even estimating like carbon release from tectonic plates colliding. So without proper input data, the models would run forever and never converge. So what do they do - make guesses, or assumptions, whatever you call it, it adds a degree of uncertainty to the output.
The entire climate narrative relies on 2 deg. Past 2 deg warming, its game over we all die. But the models cannot provide that sort of resolution. What if its 1 deg? Basically we have had 1 deg of warming in the past 20 yrs when they predicted 4 deg. The models have not provided any verifiable predictions yet and they should not be fully relied on.
Is there manmade CO2 -absolutely, but there is a lot of natural stuff around too. Is it increasing - probably. Is it a catastrophe in the making that we need to go back living in caves - not established.
The models need to account for hundreds of variables including stuff we cant even measure, like subsea vulcanism, forest fires and carbon sinks in deep waters etc. There are dozens of other variables we have no hope of even estimating like carbon release from tectonic plates colliding. So without proper input data, the models would run forever and never converge. So what do they do - make guesses, or assumptions, whatever you call it, it adds a degree of uncertainty to the output.
The entire climate narrative relies on 2 deg. Past 2 deg warming, its game over we all die. But the models cannot provide that sort of resolution. What if its 1 deg? Basically we have had 1 deg of warming in the past 20 yrs when they predicted 4 deg. The models have not provided any verifiable predictions yet and they should not be fully relied on.
Is there manmade CO2 -absolutely, but there is a lot of natural stuff around too. Is it increasing - probably. Is it a catastrophe in the making that we need to go back living in caves - not established.