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Chuck, evidence that your side has lost the debate in one image

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    Originally posted by burnt View Post
    Does anyone on this board actually know chuck chuck, as in if he is an actual human being?

    Like, where he lives? Farms?

    Or might he be a bot or face for a propaganda group?
    I can confirm that Chuck is a bonafide cricket farmer, since that is all we hear when presented with facts he doesn't like. I cannot figure out where though. We know that he was able to get crop insurance on them many years ago, but strangely, none of the Canadian provinces iffer insurance on Crickets, so he must be farming in another country, I would suggest Africa, where insect farming is more prevalent, but according to the UN study, they care the least about climate change. It is a mystery that perhaps will never be solved.


      Yes. Crickets it is. Should've known.

      Meanwhile, chuck chuck, to show my continuing care for your progress, I am submitting for your perusal the following link which will guide to toward a completely green lifestyle.

      Just imagine, an opportunity to maintain your Puritan (sort of) life with a conscience completely free of the guilt of using those dirty carbon-based energy sources:

      https://www.thestar.com/life/homes/2018/08/02/from-one-world-to-another-the-wow-factor.html https://www.thestar.com/life/homes/2018/08/02/from-one-world-to-another-the-wow-factor.html

      Imagine the relief of finally being free, chucky, freeeeee!

      Click image for larger version

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        Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post

        Besides I bet if you asked the population of countries that are suffering the worst affects of climate change you'd get a different %.
        OK, so I did ask. I used the same UN study that places climate change concern dead last worldwide. An HSBC report concludes that India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are most at risk of climate change. Here is how concerned Pakistan residents are:
        Click image for larger version

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ID:	766625
        Dead last by a wide margin. Less than 1% of respondents thought climate change was a big concern. India rates climate change at second last place. Bangladesh must have gotten the memo though, since they are way up at 5th last,

        Conversely, the same HSBC report has Sweden Norway etc. as least likely to be affected. Sweden and Norway rate climate change as the third most important concern.

        There is some sort of cognitive dissonance going on here. Those least at risk are most worried, and those most at risk have much more important priorities. First world problem perhaps? When you have clean safe drinking water, a roof over your head, a stable job and access to education, a belly full, health care, and a stable mostly uncorrupt government and police force, you can apparently afford to worry yourself with abstract problems such as the climate improving.


          Here are a couple of questions:*Does an act clearly immoral when done privately become moral when done collectively? Does legality or majority consensus establish morality?*Before you answer, consider that slavery was legal; South African apartheid was legal; the horrendous Stalinist, Nazi and Maoist purges were legal. Clearly, the fact of legality or a majority consensus cannot establish morality.

          You might ask, what establishes morality?" That's easy, and you tell me when I make the wrong step.*My initial premise is that we own ourselves. You are your private property, and I am mine. Self-ownership reveals what's moral and immoral.***** is immoral because it violates private property. So is murder and any other initiation of violence. Most people probably agree with me that **** and murder are immoral, but what about theft?*

          Let's first define what theft is. A fairly good working definition of theft is the taking by force of one person's property and the giving of it to another to whom it does not belong.*Most think that doing that is OK as long as it's done by government. We think that it is OK for Congress to take the earnings of one to give to another in the form of agricultural subsidies, business bailouts, aid for higher education, food stamps, welfare and other such activities that make up at least two-thirds of the federal budget.*If I took some of your earnings to give to a poor person, I'd go to jail. If an official did the same thing, he'd be praised.

          People tend to love a powerful government.*Quite naturally, a big, powerful government tends to draw into it people with bloated egos, people who think they know more than everyone else and have little hesitance in coercing their fellow man. Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek explained why corruption is rife in government:*"In government, the scum rises to the top."



            Originally posted by burnt View Post
            Yes. Crickets it is. Should've known.

            Meanwhile, chuck chuck, to show my continuing care for your progress, I am submitting for your perusal the following link which will guide to toward a completely green lifestyle.

            Just imagine, an opportunity to maintain your Puritan (sort of) life with a conscience completely free of the guilt of using those dirty carbon-based energy sources:

            https://www.thestar.com/life/homes/2018/08/02/from-one-world-to-another-the-wow-factor.html https://www.thestar.com/life/homes/2018/08/02/from-one-world-to-another-the-wow-factor.html

            Imagine the relief of finally being free, chucky, freeeeee!

            Excellent idea, why do I think the saying do as I say, not as I do might apply here?

            I may have made an etymological error, I think it should be cricket rancher, not farmer. I hope I have not offended any farmers or ranchers with my grievous error.


              Still waiting on the recent examples of apocalyptic weather events from mustardman.


              Here are examples of some previous doomsday predictions from other alarmists:

              • "North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist"
              • "Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist | The Guardian (2013)"
              • "Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club"
              • "Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY"


                Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                Still waiting on the recent examples of apocalyptic weather events from mustardman.


                Here are examples of some previous doomsday predictions from other alarmists:

                • "North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist"
                • "Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist | The Guardian (2013)"
                • "Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club"
                • "Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY"
                and no one holds these fraudster, criminal scammers accountable ???
                like when they say there was a huge canola crop , then no one follows up at the end of the year?


                  If Canadians aren't concerned about climate change someone should tell Andrew Scheer. LOL

                  Scheer says his climate plan will meet Paris targets without a carbon tax

                  Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer says his party would repeal the carbon tax if elected while also meeting climate change targets.
                  Rachel Aiello, Ottawa News Bureau Online Producer


                  Published Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:00AM EDT

                  OTTAWA -- Despite not yet having the details, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he will be unveiling a climate plan ahead of the 2019 election that will meet the Paris targets without a carbon tax.

                  Both inside the House of Commons and out of it, the Conservatives under Scheer have stated their strong opposition to the Liberal government’s plan to impose a federal price on carbon -- up to $50 per excess tonne by 2022 -- in provinces who don’t implement their own. The Opposition says the government’s plan will hurt the economy.

                  Instead, Scheer says his party will find another -- yet to be declared -- way to combat climate change.

                  "We will be unveiling a very detailed and comprehensive plan because we believe that Canada has to be part of the solution. We are about a year away from the next election, a little bit more. I guarantee you we will have a comprehensive message to Canadians," Scheer said in an interview with Evan Solomon, host of CTV’s Question period.

                  Asked whether the plan will meet the UN targets for combatting climate change, otherwise known as the Paris accord or Paris agreement, Scheer said "of course."

                  The agreement sets out an international plan to limit global warming to below two degrees.

                  "I will unveil a plan that reaches the targets that we have already voted in favour of… We will have a meaningful plan to reduce emissions and that will also tackle other major environmental issues."

                  In June 2017 Scheer and his caucus voted in support of the Canadian government implementing the Paris Agreement, stating it was in the best interest of Canadians and recognizing that climate change is a global issue.

                  Though, in October 2016 he voted against a similar motion from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ratify the Paris Agreement signed by Canada that year.

                  "We all have an obligation to pass on a better environment to our kids. I’ve got five kids, I want them to have a cleaner environment," Scheer said.

                  "The Liberals would love to have people believe that the choice is a carbon tax or nothing. I reject that."



                    John Ivison: Scheer’s climate policy alienating potential new Conservative voters
                    The polling evidence is convincing – the Conservatives need to attract younger, urban, ethnically diverse voters or they will lose again in 2019

                    February 12, 2018
                    7:50 PM EST

                    It would be hardly possible to eviscerate your own party with more precision than Andrew Scheer managed last week.

                    The Conservative leader is firmly ensconced as the leader of a Official Opposition that is united against a carbon tax.

                    His problem is that, unless he can persuade voters he cares about the environment and has a plan for tackling climate change, he will still be the Opposition leader after the next election.

                    Scheer got a rousing reception from the ideological faithful at the Manning Networking Conference in Ottawa, when he said his first act as prime minister after the 2019 election would be to repeal the federal carbon tax.

                    But while most diehards at Manning were opposed to carbon pricing, voters – particularly the millennials the Conservatives need to win over – are not.

                    Conservative supporters remain steadfastly opposed to a carbon tax – either because they don’t believe in climate change; oppose taxation in principle; or because they don’t think changes in Canada would have sufficient impact globally.

                    All three Ontario PC leadership candidates – Caroline Mulroney, Christine Elliott and Doug Ford – have said they will ditch the carbon tax adopted by former leader Patrick Brown, because they know that it is toxic for them among party members.

                    Scheer is a cautious politician and he was not elected leader on a platform of major policy changes.

                    Yet, the polling evidence is convincing – the Conservatives need to attract younger, urban, ethnically diverse voters or they will lose again in 2019.

                    Just hours before Scheer’s appearance at Manning, David Coletto, chief executive at Abacus Data, presented some new research that suggested the pool of voters who would consider voting Conservative has risen to 51 per cent of all Canadians, from 42 per cent at the last election. Yet Abacus polling said only 26 per cent of all voters say they will vote Tory if an election were held tomorrow.

                    Clearly, then, the opportunity for the Conservatives to do much better is there.

                    The poll outlined which groups are potentially persuadable. Currently only 11 per cent of Conservative supporters belong to visible minorities, yet 25 per cent of that group are potential supporters.

                    At the moment, 37 per cent of Tories are under 45, while 54 per cent would think about voting for Scheer.

                    Only 47 per cent of current Conservatives want “serious action” on climate change, while 67 per cent of potential supporters think it is important.

                    This large pool of potential support is made up of people who are not instinctively hostile to government intervention; are more likely to be urban dwellers; and believe immigration strengthens the country.

                    Crucially, a majority have a positive view of Justin Trudeau, with only one in five actively expressing dislike for him.

                    All of which makes it a tall order to win over the one quarter of the electorate that does not support the Tories at the moment but is open to the idea.

                    But Scheer doesn’t have to be greener than Trudeau – he just has to neutralize the carbon tax with a strong proposal of his own, as Stephen Harper did when he matched Paul Martin’s every move on healthcare in 2004.

                    Yet Scheer rejoiced in his rejection of a policy that is popular with the voters he needs to woo. He spoke fondly of his hope that he would unite with Alberta opposition leader Jason Kenney and new Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe against Ottawa’s carbon tax.

                    “It’s great news for our movement and great news for Canada,” he said.

                    He went on to say that Conservatives need to give Canadians a reason to vote for them, not just to protest against the Liberals. But the example he offered – negotiating a free trade deal with the U.K. – is unlikely to set pulses racing.

                    Engaging with a younger, more ethnically diverse audience on immigration, equality and climate change doesn’t necessarily mean aping the Liberals.

                    Manitoba’s Conservative government is developing its own carbon pricing plan that could disprove the received wisdom that a carbon tax is a government cash grab.

                    But the Liberals won the 2015 election because they had twice as much support among millenials.

                    Climate change is a symbolic issue for many of them and Scheer mocks policies intended to address it at his peril.

                    The Conservative mantra under Harper was to adopt divide-and-conquer policies that polarized it with all the other parties, letting them fight for the progressive vote.

                    But the absence of carbon pricing breaks another cardinal rule of Conservative campaigning – not to veer too far to the right of the median voter.

                    David McLaughlin, Brian Mulroney’s former chief of staff, was probably right when he told Manning delegates it might take another electoral drubbing before federal Conservatives wake up to the idea that voters care about the environment and demand their governments do too.

                    • Email: jivison@postmedia.com | Twitter: IvisonJ


                      This just in from the Tsawassen Coal Terminal.......crickets


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