Chuck, the public have lost faith in your religion. The politicians are playing catch up as usual, they are not sure which way to swing. Those who understand the publics wrath to these scams are already winning all over the world. Those who don't are being decimated.
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Chuck, evidence that your side has lost the debate in one image
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Here's another pic that shows that they have lost the fight over the threat of AGW.
That's a 41F change in temperature IN ONE DAY!!!!!
Or 20C in one day.
Now how in the heck are people supposed to get all worked over a pulled out of the air number like 1C or 2C and be frightened by it?
The AGW crowd has spent all their time trying to scare people into accepting an enormous CARBON TAX Grab by govts, that they ignored all the contrary data which shows how outright frigging stupid they have been.
Of course, I personally would have liked to have visited the North Pole like these guys in 1987. Enjoy.
Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
John Ivison: Scheer’s climate policy alienating potential new Conservative voters
The polling evidence is convincing – the Conservatives need to attract younger, urban, ethnically diverse voters or they will lose again in 2019
February 12, 2018
7:50 PM EST
It would be hardly possible to eviscerate your own party with more precision .....
....David McLaughlin, Brian Mulroney’s former chief of staff, was probably right when he told Manning delegates it might take another electoral drubbing before federal Conservatives wake up to the idea that voters care about the environment and demand their governments do too.
• Email: | Twitter: IvisonJ
In light of the disastrous smashup of the Ontario Liberals, perhaps your handlers supplied you with the wrong material for this site, chuck Chuck?
Perhaps you missed hearing that the McGuinty/Wynne Liberals were handed their backsides in the most populous Province in Canada?
Did you not hear that the anti-alarmist Ford government ran on a platform of ending cap and trade/carbon taxes and WON A MAJORITY?
The piece you hacked with your scissors and glue was from February 2018. The election was June 7 - the lying libs rolled a 7 on 7, LOL!
At the rate that Canadians are dumping the climate hoax and other globalsist/Liberal policies, Butt's puppet's party bus will be another 7-seat Dodge Caravan, just like Wynne's, LOL!
Won't they look cute with Climate Barbie's pink bike on the roof rack? Bwahahahaha!
Try to keep up chuck Chuck, the world is moving forward and your Liberal boss is going to take it in the teeth next year.
Your narrative is worn out and your time is running out.
Originally posted by chuckChuck View PostIf Canadians aren't concerned about climate change someone should tell Andrew Scheer. LOL
Scheer says his climate plan will meet Paris targets without a carbon tax
Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer says his party would repeal the carbon tax if elected while also meeting climate change targets.
Rachel Aiello, Ottawa News Bureau Online Producer
Published Sunday, April 29, 2018 7:00AM EDT...............
Why don't you check out PnPCBC Aug. 3 if you want to hear what Scheer says on the Paris targets?
Your handlers are making you look very stupid. Not that it's all that hard...
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