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Chuck, evidence that your side has lost the debate in one image

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    Chuck, evidence that your side has lost the debate in one image

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Global Warming.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	14.9 KB
ID:	778085

    I also searched Al Gore, David Suzuki, Micheal Mann, cap and trade, carbon tax, SLR, CAGW, and any other related search terms I could think of, all have a very similar downward slope. People have lost interest. Check out the box office numbers for An Incovenient Sequel.

    Of course, that doesn't in any way prove or disprove the theory, but it proves that tactics such as yours are failing miserably to bully or scare people into believing, in fact, having quite the opposite effect.

    If you want to spend the time, look up the ratio of peer reviewed papers critical to Climate Change vs. supportive, as it changed over time. Look at polls of peoples priorities over time. Look at election results worldwide. I can't spoon feed it all to you.

    A rather strange and probably flawed conclusion you're drawing AF5. Think back to when the internet was a new thing, or an iPhone was just invented - interest peaked, often to a frenzied state. Now years later they are an accepted part of life declining "interest" in the phenomena but usage has never been higher. Your trend lines indicate to me people have learned about, and accepted the reality of climate change and what has to be done to mitigate the effects and they have moved on with their lives. Other than, of course a tiny proportion of the population that think the iPhone will never work and we must stick with the tried and tested computer that punches the holes in card and occupies a space the size of your living room - and if you're American is preferably coal fired.


      Actually, you could tag the Iphone as being coal fired too

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Coal Consumption.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	29.9 KB
ID:	766614

      https://yearbook.enerdata.net/coal-lignite/coal-world-consumption-data.html https://yearbook.enerdata.net/coal-lignite/coal-world-consumption-data.html


        Originally posted by farming101 View Post
        Actually, you could tag the Iphone as being coal fired too


        https://yearbook.enerdata.net/coal-lignite/coal-world-consumption-data.html https://yearbook.enerdata.net/coal-lignite/coal-world-consumption-data.html
        Hmmm, isn’t that a shocker .. lol


          Interesting, maybe there is hope?

          Oddly enough most of the discussion by our Agriville “warmists” is courtesy of coal power generation........... 🙀


            Thank you farming101 for demonstrating negative correlation. The possibility that iPhones are the sole cause of coal consumption increases is about as absurd as the OPs assertion that the decrease in internet searches surrounding global warming indicates that the population longer believe in it.


              Grass, since you and Chuck obviously won't be bothered to research anything which might conflict with your viewpoints, I will spend a little more effort and present some more for you:

              Click image for larger version

Name:	Poll.jpg
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Size:	9.7 KB
ID:	766616

              If you can't read it, it is a Pew poll from January, dealing with climate change is at 18th place out of 19 places. The decline has been in lockstep with the graph posted above.
              This is in spite of decades now of constant indoctrination of our children in school, right through University, Non stop bombardment by nearly all types of media, Hollywood, politicians, virtue signalling celebrities, the ever present reminders (attacks) of people like Chuck, the support of the UN, and inordinate amounts of funds. This should have been the easiest PR campaign ever to win, instead, the ludicrously unbelievable alarmist predictions, the embarrassingly unprofessional tactics (some would say illegal) of the supposed professionals, the blatant disregard for the scientific process, the attempted end runs around democracy, the complete lack of qualifications of most of those who speak the loudest, the childish belittling and attempted discrediting of anyone who attempts to use science to offer a realistic alternative viewpoint, and most importantly, the stubborn unwillingness of nature to cooperate with any of it, have driven public support away.

              If or when this issue (or nearly any true environmental issue) should actually become a real and tangible threat, it will be nearly impossible to win back the public support after abusing it so badly for so long. The boy has cried wolf for too long.
              Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Aug 1, 2018, 10:14.


                Yeah, but those are "% of American adults who say "x" is a top priority for Trump and congress figures"

                We aren't allowed to use things happening in the US on this site remember? - your rules?

                Besides I bet if you asked the population of countries that are suffering the worst affects of climate change you'd get a different %.


                  So Albertafarmer 5 have you given up on finding peer reviewed science to back up your claims that human caused global warming does not exist?

                  Instead you have decided to dig up Google search trends? Are you grasping at straws?

                  I have no doubt that most humans are more worried about their personal lives and making sure they take care of themselves and their families in the short term. Most people are just worried about keeping their job, paying the mortgage and putting food on the table.

                  Climate change is a long term problem with some current examples of negative impacts.
                  However that doesn't mean that most people aren't concerned about the negative affects of climate change. They just don't want to do much about it.

                  Throughout human history there have been numerous examples of civilizations that have come and gone because of excess population, environmental degradation, overuse of resources, and failure to adapt.

                  There is s good chance we will repeat many of these mistakes on a global scale.

                  Many parts of Europe and the northern hemisphere are hotter and drier than normal this year. Crop yields will be lower.

                  As you can see by the precipitation map a lot of western Canada is drier than normal and yields will be not as good as many have hoped. But don't worry there will always be next year.


                    Originally posted by grassfarmer View Post
                    Yeah, but those are "% of American adults who say "x" is a top priority for Trump and congress figures"

                    We aren't allowed to use things happening in the US on this site remember? - your rules?

                    Besides I bet if you asked the population of countries that are suffering the worst affects of climate change you'd get a different %.
                    So why in **** dont those countries do something about it , (i.e. india , china , etc.) and yes , free condoms for everyone to tackle the real problem our beautiful planet has


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