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All scientiest agree:

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    All scientiest agree:

    But some deniers don"t:


    Very interesting article.

    I remember being young(er) and naive(er) and thinking that all the people in positions of authority or in professions were respectable, mature, honest responsible trustworthy grown ups without egos and agendas. Then, slowly, my blind faith in the ever more blurry line between kids and grown ups, common barely educated folks and professionals, or between the subjects and the authorities began to crumble. Turns out we are all just humans, with the same faults and emotions and egos. Giving someone letters beside their name, or a fancy hat just doesn't change who they are( or in many cases, just emboldens them even worse). Reading about any of the great debates of science, they have all had the same basic story. Similar stories for politicians, judges, police, religious leaders, etc.

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    Interesting to see that they also use consensus as if it is a scientific method, I'm trying to remember where else I have seen that used lately...

    “Why 100? If I were wrong, one would have been enough. [In response to the book "Hundred Authors Against Einstein"]”

    ― Albert Einstein


      Interesting article about the science of dinosaur extinction.

      Science is always evolving and changing as more information becomes available. Whether Keller's theories are true or not, I will leave that up to the specialists in their field who have spent most of their adult lives studying the subject to decide.

      Darwin's theory of evolution faced massive opposition from religion because it challenged the whole idea that we were created by a god or gods.

      It took may years for Darwin's theories to be widely accepted.

      There is still a denial of evolutionary science by religious extremists who can't accept the science and would rather believe in a grand fictional story.

      On the issue of dinosaur extinction, Keller is one of a few scientists who doesn't believe that their extinction was caused by a single asteroid.

      But she says this about climate change:

      "Keller fears that we are filling our environment with the same ingredients—sulfur, carbon dioxide, mercury, and more—that killed the dinosaurs and that, left unchecked, will catalyze another mass extinction, this one of our own devising. “You just replace Deccan volcanism’s effect with today’s fossil-fuel burning,” she told me. “It’s exactly the same.”

      Keller sees a bleak future when she looks at our present. Oceans are acidifying. The climate is warming. Mercury levels are rising. Countless species are endangered and staring down extinction—much like the gradual, then rapid, downfall of the forams. Whether or not Deccan ultimately caused the mass extinction, its eruptions illuminate how our current environment may react to man-made pollutants. If Deccan was responsible, however, Keller’s theory casts our current actions in a terrifying light. (Not to be outdone, impacters recently highlighted the Chicxulub asteroid’s relevance to the present day in a paper for Science, arguing that the asteroid injected enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to cause 100,000 years of global warming.)"

      The overwhelming majority of scientists believe that humans are causing climate change along with natural causes. Keller is part of that large majority.

      She is also adamant about how serious this issue is, equating it with the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs and suggesting we are also on track to mass extinction!

      Thanks for posting this link to an article that shows human caused climate climate change is widely accepted science even amongst those who have differing theories on dinosaur extinctions.


        "Keller fears..." since when does emotion determine "science"?

        "Keller sees a bleak future when she looks at our present." Bias alert!- Keller's speculation is misguided since it is not based on fact or reality but rather on her preconceptions.

        "The overwhelming majority of scientists believe..." and then in the same post you bash people who hold to certain faith positions - what a freaking hypocrite you are, chuck Chuck.

        But you had already proven that with your double standard on solar power where your rhetoric and actions are a total dichotomy.

        And you try to pawn this off as science? Absurd leftist lies.

        Did you fail to run this past your handlers before posting?

        Or, perhaps, they are the same doofuses that write Climate Barbie's inane tweets?

        chuck Chuck, your posts do provide entertainment value. But the evidence is that the younger generation is rejecting your dogma/belief system because of the disparity between its premise and the actions of it's promoters.

        How are your solar panels installations progressing? Clown.


          One can believe in anything ..... religion, science whatever, it does not make it fact to everyone else .


            Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
            One can believe in anything ..... religion, science whatever, it does not make it fact to everyone else .
            No, but throughout history, not publicly believing in many of these consensus's could result in one's very violent demise, very similar to what many proponents of climate change are now proposing for anyone who doesn't believe in the same things that they do.


              Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
              No, but throughout history, not publicly believing in many of these consensus's could result in one's very violent demise, very similar to what many proponents of climate change are now proposing for anyone who doesn't believe in the same things that they do.
              That there is very true and a sorry fact of history yup


                Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                That there is very true and a sorry fact of history yup
                Click image for larger version

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                We are slow learners...


                  Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                  No, but throughout history, not publicly believing in many of these consensus's could result in one's very violent demise, very similar to what many proponents of climate change are now proposing for anyone who doesn't believe in the same things that they do.
                  A violent demise! LMAO. How can anyone in Canada take that statement seriously? You must feel very persecuted and isolated to suggest that. Thoughts like that border on paranoia.

                  It is only a small group of core Conservatives who don't believe in the science of climate change. The majority of Canadians don't agree with you. That doesn't make them out to get you. They just disagree with you.


                    Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post
                    One can believe in anything ..... religion, science whatever, it does not make it fact to everyone else .
                    That kind of sums your world view up doesn't it???

                    So you put science in the same category of belief as religion? Wow!

                    So gravity does not exist and the earth does not orbit around the sun? These are not facts for you?

                    They have all been proven by science and physics.

                    There is no scientific evidence for the existence of god.


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