Some morning headlines around the globe.
Alberta Crop Conditions Continue to Decline
Provincial crop condition ratings declined a further 3 percentage points on the week, according to Alberta Agriculture in its weekly crop condition report, released Friday afternoon, says a story from Syngenta.
World wheat is ending a long streak of rising production with a bang, says a story from Syngenta.
The USDA is behind the curve on the downward revisions already reported by private companies and European statistical agencies, but on Friday even the USDA slashed its global wheat production estimates.
After a scorching summer fried wheat crops across the EU, the bloc is set to lose its position as the world’s third-largest exporter as Canada usurps the title, according to the USDA. The agency Friday cut its outlook for EU wheat exports by 16% to a six-year low.
Drought and heat continue to pound Germany’s crops and analysts now expect the lightest harvest in 24 years, the association of German farm co-operatives DRV said in an Aug. 8 harvest report. The harvest for all grains is expected to decline to about 36.3 million tonnes, a 20.3% fall and the smallest grain harvest
since 1994, the association reported.
Now supposedly Ukraine has grown just about what the USDA said they would but still below by just a smidgen.
So will the elevators give us what the world price is or play a game and drop bids do to some excuse so they make the extra 2.00 and we supply production.
Alberta Crop Conditions Continue to Decline
Provincial crop condition ratings declined a further 3 percentage points on the week, according to Alberta Agriculture in its weekly crop condition report, released Friday afternoon, says a story from Syngenta.
World wheat is ending a long streak of rising production with a bang, says a story from Syngenta.
The USDA is behind the curve on the downward revisions already reported by private companies and European statistical agencies, but on Friday even the USDA slashed its global wheat production estimates.
After a scorching summer fried wheat crops across the EU, the bloc is set to lose its position as the world’s third-largest exporter as Canada usurps the title, according to the USDA. The agency Friday cut its outlook for EU wheat exports by 16% to a six-year low.
Drought and heat continue to pound Germany’s crops and analysts now expect the lightest harvest in 24 years, the association of German farm co-operatives DRV said in an Aug. 8 harvest report. The harvest for all grains is expected to decline to about 36.3 million tonnes, a 20.3% fall and the smallest grain harvest
since 1994, the association reported.
Now supposedly Ukraine has grown just about what the USDA said they would but still below by just a smidgen.
So will the elevators give us what the world price is or play a game and drop bids do to some excuse so they make the extra 2.00 and we supply production.