Canola Production Seen at or Below Last Year
Sizzling heat and dryness this growing season may keep 2018 Canadian canola production at or well below the year-earlier level, according to a Syngenta website story.
Industry estimates ahead of Friday’s Statistics Canada crop production report – the first for the 2018 growing season – put this year’s canola crop at anywhere between 18.1 million and 21.3 million tonnes, versus the 2017 crop of 21.31 million.
Although last year’s growing season was dry as well, crops had an ample supply of subsoil moisture to help pull them through. This time around, much of that subsoil moisture was depleted and crops also experienced bouts of searing temperatures to go along with the lack of rain in many areas.
“I don’t think people appreciate how much the crop has been hit,†Bill Craddock, a trader who also farms near Winnipeg, said of the canola crop.
“The chances of the (canola production) number being over 22 (million tonnes) now are not very good,†added Bruce Burnett of MarketsFarm, a part of Glacier Farm Media
My guess is the number will come in at 18.7.
But what do I know I'm just a stupid farmer who drives around the west and actually stops and looks at pods and canola crops and understands math and the weather.
Maybe we should bring back history for weather events and math in schools again.
Oh, I did get my first big yield BS weigh wagon from a dryer area that's the last 15 average was really high, really high they lucked out.
The guy showed his swaths then did his special test plots and did weigh it, and it was 50.7 and 51.2
I texted him your swaths didn't look that big on the whole section and he got back the field averaged 41. Low areas did fine higher had basically not much.
So why post the BULLSHIT weigh wagon yield in the sweet spot is my comment.
I have some flat flood bottom that we doubled up on that should beat the 100 bus fool up north.
But when you're in the business of selling seed, or snake oil you cant be seen as in lowest yield is the law.
Sizzling heat and dryness this growing season may keep 2018 Canadian canola production at or well below the year-earlier level, according to a Syngenta website story.
Industry estimates ahead of Friday’s Statistics Canada crop production report – the first for the 2018 growing season – put this year’s canola crop at anywhere between 18.1 million and 21.3 million tonnes, versus the 2017 crop of 21.31 million.
Although last year’s growing season was dry as well, crops had an ample supply of subsoil moisture to help pull them through. This time around, much of that subsoil moisture was depleted and crops also experienced bouts of searing temperatures to go along with the lack of rain in many areas.
“I don’t think people appreciate how much the crop has been hit,†Bill Craddock, a trader who also farms near Winnipeg, said of the canola crop.
“The chances of the (canola production) number being over 22 (million tonnes) now are not very good,†added Bruce Burnett of MarketsFarm, a part of Glacier Farm Media
My guess is the number will come in at 18.7.
But what do I know I'm just a stupid farmer who drives around the west and actually stops and looks at pods and canola crops and understands math and the weather.
Maybe we should bring back history for weather events and math in schools again.
Oh, I did get my first big yield BS weigh wagon from a dryer area that's the last 15 average was really high, really high they lucked out.
The guy showed his swaths then did his special test plots and did weigh it, and it was 50.7 and 51.2
I texted him your swaths didn't look that big on the whole section and he got back the field averaged 41. Low areas did fine higher had basically not much.
So why post the BULLSHIT weigh wagon yield in the sweet spot is my comment.
I have some flat flood bottom that we doubled up on that should beat the 100 bus fool up north.
But when you're in the business of selling seed, or snake oil you cant be seen as in lowest yield is the law.