I guess the hunters of all kinds can STAY THE F*CK off our fields... can't risk LOSING tight canola rotation.
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Canola rotations
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Originally posted by furrowtickler View Post$100/ac rents and $400,000 per 1/4 along with new machinery prices give the illusion that canola on canola is the only option. Even combining it at 14 plus moisture with little regard to drying charges don’t matter ..... giver ...... sunny days ahead “your budget will balance itself†lol . Disease is an after thought.
What Can happen is an absolute train wreck , but a look in the mirror says all who is to blame .
No it’s not nesessarly tight canola rotations but it’s like pea root rot , it’s the frequency that enhances the issue.
The problem is guys that farm all over hells half acre that transport this kinda thing everywhere. That and the oil and gas industry.
Had a gas line go through here this summer, never stopped between fields with one single piece of of equipment to clean or *** all , so who or what is to blame on the spread of clubroot..... everyday it moves somehow , it’s wether or not there is more activity from soil transport from area to area and frequency of the host .
Never one single issue to blame
On hunters , we work with one guy and one guy only . We have an agreement with him and his crew that is as reasonable as possible . They came to us with it . They fully understand the situation and had a very good plan we thought will work.
If the hunters have no clue even what clubroot is ..... not a chance will they be going on any land period
Originally posted by Crestliner View PostSeriously, is clubroot the result of to tight rotation of canola? Does clubroot come from canola on canola? I really would like an expert to comment.
I thought clubroot was like a virus that is spread with contact of the virus....ie: unclean equipment, nh3 trucks being infected and spreading it, bio fert mixed in with infected soil transported to other farms, etc.
Clubroot is an organism that feeds on canola and other brassicae species. It feeds on the plant, then multiplies. Of course, the more of the organism you have, the worse it is. The clubroot spores die off over time; many die after 2 years but they can live up to 20 years. So doing extended rotations allows more spores to die off, so that the infection of the next canola crop isn't worse than the last canola crop and doesn't reproduce even more spores (though it will produce some).
Tight rotations increase the spore load and thus severity of infection. Choosing less than 3 year cycle is a choice to feed the disease. It's very short-sighted if you have an infection, because you may still get a good crop in your canola-on-canola but that could be the year that the spore load jumps (as I just learned, the new spores are released when the roots decompose). Then you plant canola again, have a terrible crop, realize now you have a serious clubroot problem, and have already multiplied the disease severity by many times, again.
this is why EVERYONE should be doing extended rotations. you don't know you have a problem until it's too late.
Something else to consider, volunteer canola and brassicae weeds (such as stinkweed, shepherd's purse, and flixweed) in the gap years can feed the infection as well so weed and volunteer control is important. Poor control in the cereal or pulse crop means you may not have reduced the level of infection. Companion crops with canola (e.g. peaola) does nothing to reduce clubroot as you're still providing a host.
The spores do stay in the soil so that is why they say to clean your equipment. Although if you're dusting out your neighbour's field when you're harrowing at 10mph, you're probably spreading it that way too.
You should read the canola council webpage on clubroot for more detailed info.
My suggestion to lesmt. Rent it all out (including a stipulation for canola no more than every 3rd year), and help your renter in the busy seasons - run one of his machines, or even keep your combine and do custom work for them. That way, you get your paycheque and still are farming, but without the risk, and the labour headache.
By planting canola-on-canola, you are devaluing your land, your investment, and spreading disease. You may not be aware of clubroot in your area, but it's almost certain that it's there, just nobody's found it yet.
Originally posted by Marusko View PostClubroot is made worse by tight rotations of canola.
Clubroot is an organism that feeds on canola and other brassicae species. It feeds on the plant, then multiplies. Of course, the more of the organism you have, the worse it is. The clubroot spores die off over time; many die after 2 years but they can live up to 20 years. So doing extended rotations allows more spores to die off, so that the infection of the next canola crop isn't worse than the last canola crop and doesn't reproduce even more spores (though it will produce some).
Tight rotations increase the spore load and thus severity of infection. Choosing less than 3 year cycle is a choice to feed the disease. It's very short-sighted if you have an infection, because you may still get a good crop in your canola-on-canola but that could be the year that the spore load jumps (as I just learned, the new spores are released when the roots decompose). Then you plant canola again, have a terrible crop, realize now you have a serious clubroot problem, and have already multiplied the disease severity by many times, again.
this is why EVERYONE should be doing extended rotations. you don't know you have a problem until it's too late.
Something else to consider, volunteer canola and brassicae weeds (such as stinkweed, shepherd's purse, and flixweed) in the gap years can feed the infection as well so weed and volunteer control is important. Poor control in the cereal or pulse crop means you may not have reduced the level of infection. Companion crops with canola (e.g. peaola) does nothing to reduce clubroot as you're still providing a host.
The spores do stay in the soil so that is why they say to clean your equipment. Although if you're dusting out your neighbour's field when you're harrowing at 10mph, you're probably spreading it that way too.
You should read the canola council webpage on clubroot for more detailed info.
Originally posted by Crestliner View PostThank-you for this very valuable information. Are you suggesting that 3 full crops in between canola followed by very good control of volunteer canola in other crops ensures maximum benefit to the land? If this is the case better get the word out loud and quick...my neighbors are driving me nuts with canola on canola. I don’t need their dust on my side of fence.
Strictly speaking, if a guy has clubroot and wants to ensure maximum benefit to the land, he stops growing canola for a while. Of course nobody wants to stop growing the highest gross-income crop, so the common advice is minimum 2 full alternate crops, so every 3rd year can be canola, which should avoid creating a major infestation. Of course, more alternates is better.
If a field is severely affected, the farmer should wait longer to let the spores die out more. And the other thing is, clubroot evolves pretty quickly so if you get an outbreak in your field of a new "pathotype" that the clubroot-resistant canola varieties aren't resistant to, you should extend your rotations even further (more years between canola crops) to avoid spreading that new type.
I agree regarding that kind of neighbour. The industry is trying to get the word out, but some people just don't give a damn.
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