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Whats the total at now for the churchill rail line

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    Whats the total at now for the churchill rail line

    Another 117 million spent to repair the line that the previous owners had been on a government funding to repair...

    And yet guys think getting money to the primary pulse producer is a bad thing...

    Well AGT is now on the government program for that rail line as well...

    Industry does OK as long as governments help them out...

    Farmers not so much.
    Everyone knew government money was coming by the players involved.

    Originally posted by bucket View Post
    Another 117 million spent to repair the line that the previous owners had been on a government funding to repair...

    And yet guys think getting money to the primary pulse producer is a bad thing...

    Well AGT is now on the government program for that rail line as well...

    Industry does OK as long as governments help them out...

    Farmers not so much.
    Everyone knew government money was coming by the players involved.
    Are you talking about how much goes to repairs or how much goes in the pockets. Hahahah


      Looks like it's all going to pockets......


        Originally posted by bucket View Post
        Looks like it's all going to pockets......
        Well with AGT, Fairfax and an Indian band involved, peoplekind in Churchill better not hold their breath for the rail line to be repaired.


          Why not fix it, you try and build a rail line of any distance for $117 million. Once it's gone it will never comeback. Bucket, hasn't there been enough rail line abandonment in this country already?

          There is always more potential for any area in this country if there is a road or rail line running through it. Get it fixed!


            Then they should be involved in other areas as well.....how about ensuring a local 10000 tonne concrete elevator remains operational for the same reasons?


              Just like the roads in this country are paid for and owned by taxpayers in the public interest, maybe it is time we consider that the railways should be owned and paid for by taxpayers so that we can run a more efficient and effective transportation system that works in everyone's interest.

              Railways are bound to serve the interests of shareholders first. Without good rail infrastructure and fair prices for transportation of goods we are at a big disadvantage.


                chuck chuck government is not good at running anything efficient . HELLO!!!!


                  Private, shareholders interests and PROFIT above all plus NO competition makes the current situation comparable to wasteful inefficient government cost. No real answer is there?


                    Originally posted by tubs View Post
                    chuck chuck government is not good at running anything efficient . HELLO!!!!
                    Are you in favour of privatizing the road system and moving to a user pay system? Because that will ensure that heavy trucks hauling up to 43 mt of ag. commodities will pay a bigger share of the cost of building and maintaining the road system.
                    Last edited by chuckChuck; Sep 15, 2018, 13:08.


                      Railways are mostly to blame for the increased road maintenance costs on this country.....

                      Their complete lack of vision has created a trucking industry that they now use as a benchmark for their freight rates.....

                      The solution is to build another railway or start rebuilding branch lines that should have never been torn out....

                      OR just start trucking to Vancouver. ...and say **** the railways completely and give them a sunset clause.....

                      But Buffet and Gates wouldn't allow it.....


                        Govt gave half the farmland to CP to build a rail line. Govt fed omnitrax on the Churchill line. Gave them the rail line for free. Rail far more efficient and environmentally friendly than b trains, and patching roads. This might be fuzzy logic but govt would’ve been better to spend 4.5 billion on another rail line through the mountains. Pipelines move fluids. Rail moves everything. What benefits everyone the most.


                          Originally posted by WiltonRanch View Post
                          Govt gave half the farmland to CP to build a rail line. Govt fed omnitrax on the Churchill line. Gave them the rail line for free. Rail far more efficient and environmentally friendly than b trains, and patching roads. This might be fuzzy logic but govt would’ve been better to spend 4.5 billion on another rail line through the mountains. Pipelines move fluids. Rail moves everything. What benefits everyone the most.
                          They could of spent $4.5 billion to twin a railway to Vancouver possibly.

                          They could of spent $0 and sat back and watched Kinder Morgan build the Trans Mountain pipeline.....but they had other ideas.


                            Originally posted by Oliver88 View Post
                            They could of spent $4.5 billion to twin a railway to Vancouver possibly.

                            They could of spent $0 and sat back and watched Kinder Morgan build the Trans Mountain pipeline.....but they had other ideas.
                            Don’t think there was any ideas. More like an “oh shit!” Scramble.


                              4.5 billion to purchase a pipeline that was recently appraised at 500 million. Where is the logic. Sounds suspiciously like the GTH land purchase. The sea of stupid continues to deepen


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